Portia Da Costa
Power of Three
The binoculars were supposed to be for observing birds and boats, and dolphins off the coast of the island. That was the plan, do something worthwhile and improving with the honeymoon that never was, and broaden her horizons with a bit of nature study and general educational wholesomeness.
Yeah, right. So what do I end up doing?
Laurie Jones lifted the binoculars to her eyes and scanned the courtyard. Observing, yes, she was certainly doing that; but it wasn't really nature study unless you counted scrutinizing the mating habits of mammals of the higher, more civilized variety.
Well, semi civilized.
In the villa across the courtyard from hers, a woman was getting it on. She was getting it on big time, and not just with one man, but with two. Right there in the middle of a fully lit living room.
Of course, people were expected to have sex here, and lots of it. It was a lovers' resort after all. But exhibition threesomes? Well, why not? At least the trio over there seemed to have some genuine affection for each other in and amongst the rampant shagging. They were open and honest and they smiled a lot.
Honest. Yes. Not like some I could mention. Laurie frowned, and the beauty of the night was suddenly shadowed. A claw of anguish clutched at her heart.
Stop it! Not now! Focus on the show. It's far too raunchy to waste good viewing time on brooding.
Adjusting the bevel on the field glasses, she refocused to allow for moisture in her eyes. The three friends had left the shutters to their cabana open, and all their lamps were lit. It was like a film set down there and the cavorting trio clearly wanted to be watched and admired in action.
What would it be like to be made love to by two men at once? The guys in Cabana Number Two weren't really her type, but they did look incredibly lusty. Not that she knew what her type was now. She'd had a type and it'd turned out to be a disaster, and even here she was still plainly fancying the wrong people. Flicking a quick glance to Cabana Number Three, she sighed and shook her head.