Nathan Slivers
Neighbor in chains
"Yes?" Margo said to the woman who stood on her doorstep.
"Mrs. Hannenburg?"
"Yes." Margo crossed her arms and stared nastily at the rather lovely brunette. The woman was one of Margo's neighbors, part of that group that had behaved so disgustingly last Saturday night.
"I'm sorry if we disturbed you. I'm Nikki, Nikki Ross, Fabian's wife." She extended her hand, but Margo ignored it. "Was our party really that loud?"
"Loud?" Margo smirked. "I thought there was an orgy going on, it was disgraceful. When I turned my television off, your party was so loud I could hardly sleep."
"Oh, I am sorry," Nikki said, "but what we thought was that we'd like to invite you to a really quiet dinner party we're giving this Saturday, just about six or seven of us. We'd get to know you that way, and we thought it would be rather nice."
"I don't really think I can accept…"
"Oh, but you must come," Nikki interjected. "We never meant to bother you." She waved the letter Margo had written to them. "We only realized when we got your note. We would like to say how sorry we are."
"How about six, next Saturday. Please say you will."
"Very well," Margo said stiffly, still keeping her arms crossed.