Nathan Silvers
Want to whip my aunt?
"Oh, yes, I think it's wonderful to see the young people enjoying themselves," Mirabelle Adams lied to her brother Manfred as she looked around the party room.
There had been no way out of her niece's birthday party. Her niece Eileen had even gotten onto the phone personally and begged her to come.
"Oh, Auntie Mirabelle," she had gushed, "the party wouldn't be right without you!"
The party was even worse than she'd expected. These young people were behaving disgustingly, rubbing up against each other while they danced, blatantly kissing and fondling each other. Eileen was dressed in an outfit that revealed every curve of her wonderful young figure and that slit in her skirt went almost as far as her stocking tops.
At least Eileen was wearing stockings for a formal occasion and not those horrible tights, Mirabelle thought, crossing her own long legs again. But, still, the behavior was outrageous, young people today just had no manners.
Not that Mirabelle was much older than them, she was only in her late twenties. And she had a wonderful figure, it was just that she didn't flaunt hers and let men get wrong ideas about her. With her irritation rising, she crossed her legs once more.
Her brother Manfred had married a slut who had run off when Eileen was six. And Manfred had gone on, having other women at home. Mirabelle knew he hadn't been at all discreet in his affairs, which was probably why Eileen was like she was, clutching her boyfriend Dustin while she slid her body against his. Mirabelle shivered at the thought of allowing herself to rub up against a man.
"Another drink?" Manfred asked. "No, thanks," Mirabelle replied.
"Okay, mind if I get one?" he asked.
"Sure." Mirabelle smiled, watching Eileen dance with Dustin.