Norma Egan
The neighbor_s daughter
Rod Hanson, mowing his back lawn, kept pausing to rest. It was a hot June day, but it wasn't just the heat that made him keep stopping. About thirty feet away, sunning herself on a blanket, wearing the tiniest bikini he'd ever seen, was the neighbor girl, Vicky.
Rod always contrived to pause so that he was facing Vicky. He leaned on the mower handle, wiped his face and forehead with a wadded-up bandanna, and let his eyes wander slowly up and down the girl's delicious young body. No, it wasn't just the heat that was making him dizzy.
Really, he thought, you should be ashamed… She's young enough to be your daughter…
He'd told himself that several times already, but it didn't keep him from looking. Jesus, what he wouldn't give to ball a cute little chick like that… He'd turned forty years old last week, but when he looked at Vicky, he didn't feel old at all, not even middle-aged. He felt like a horny teenage boy.
Rod sighed and began to mow again. His only consolation was that he was working closer and closer to Vicky. There was no fence between the two yards, and her blanket was very close to the property line. When he finished, he'd be practically stepping on her. There would be an excuse to talk.
But what the hell could he say to a girl that young? "Hey, baby, want to get it on?" That was what the kids said, but it would sound silly coming from a man his age. No matter what he said, she'd probably be bored anyhow.
All the time he'd been mowing, she hadn't even looked his way. It was like he didn't exist. Probably he didn't, not for so young a girl. He was the same age as her father. He had teenage kids of his own. He had a wife…
Rod glanced up quickly and guiltily to see if his wife June was watching out the window. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no sign of her. June would be really pissed if she caught him gawking at the practically naked neighbor girl… Rod stopped the mower again, mopped his face, and stared at Vicky.
She must have been around five feet four, but she didn't look petite. She was leggy, with nice long tan limbs, and her waist was tiny and firm. She was lying on her stomach, and her little rounded butt looked delicious to him, like two cantaloupes in a bikini bottom.
If he had the right angle, which he did now, he could see her young breasts, too, only the very tips covered by her skimpy bra. They were sweet tits, perfectly round, the size of apples, and they were tan, too. He wondered if she ever took off her bra to sun herself there. He wondered what color her nipples were… Jesus, he told himself, stop it.