Nick Eastwood
Horny naughty sister
Vicky Evans, a high school English teacher, was normally prim and reserved, but tonight the young woman was bubbling. Her glowing face and bouncy stride caused people to turn and stare at the tall leggy brunette as she and her escort entered the restaurant. The men who stared at her smiled appreciatively, and their wives felt a tweak of jealousy. Vicky Evans looked absolutely gorgeous.
Her date, Ted Hansen, wished he had the nerve to tell her so. Ted, a bashful chemistry teacher in his early thirties, had just run out of nerve. He'd been working up his courage for a whole year now to ask Vicky out, and he'd finally done it. In fact he could still hardly believe it was happening.
As he walked behind Vicky, he ogled the ripe curves of her body and the undulating globes of her firm little ass. For probably the millionth time since he'd met her, he imagined himself in bed with her, gliding his stiff cock into her juicy hot cunt, hearing her moan with pleasure. Then he warned himself to cool those fantasies. He didn't want to get a hard-on in the restaurant.
Anyhow, that's all they were, just fantasies. Vicky was well known in their small town as a man-hater and a confirmed spinster. She rarely dated, and Ted knew one reason she'd accepted this dinner date was that she wasn't afraid of him. She knew he wasn't going to come on strong. So it was a good thing she couldn't read his mind and know how urgently he wanted to fuck her.
"Ted, I'm so excited, I can hardly think," Vicky bubbled as they were seated.
"I can't blame you, Vicky," Ted smiled. "It must be pretty exciting, meeting a brother you haven't seen in twenty years."
Vicky had been hopping up and down with excitement when he arrived to pick her up, and she'd quickly explained why. Her parents had been divorced when she was just a kid, and she'd been taken by her mother. Her brother, Van, had been taken by their father. Since that day, she hadn't seen Van, hadn't even known where he was. Now he'd managed to track her down, and in a few days he was coming to see her.
"Thank goodness tomorrow's the last day of school," she went on. "I'll be able to give my full time to Van."
Ted wished he could have her full time – in bed. "How long will your brother be visiting?" he asked politely.
"Only three days," Vicky sighed. "He does overseas work for an oil company, and he's been reassigned. He'll just be crossing the country, and he'll drop in and see me on the way."