M J Jacobs
Shameful mom
Lucy Fields sat in the cold glow of the television set and struggled with the seething desires that had been making her life miserable lately. The living room was empty and dark. She was all alone with her thoughts, and with the burning in her cunt. The boys were upstairs sleeping. A light snow was falling outside.
She had turned off the volume on the television set and had poured herself some brandy. She had considered turning off the set and lighting a fire in the fireplace, but had thought better of it. After all, there was no one there to enjoy the tire with her.
Lucy couldn't help remembering the evenings she had spent in front of the hearth with her husband Rod, couldn't help remembering the evenings she had spent bathed in the warmth of the flames and the warmth of their love. That was all over now. Rod had been killed in Viet Nam, leaving her only his memory.
It had been quite some time since the tragedy, long enough for most women to adjust to their lass, but somehow it hadn't been that easy for Lucy. She had seen other men of course, men who had made her life happy again, at least for a while, and yet it hadn't been the same with any of them somehow.
Lucy knew that she had had in Rod everything she could possibly have wanted ma man. Since his death she had searched in vain for a man who could satisfy her burning sexual desires. Rod had known exactly what to do to her to put her into heaven with each fuck. She could still feel his big ten-inch cock throbbing inside her clutching cunt. She could still feel the shaft of the hot hard thing rubbing against her blazing clitoris. She could still
feel the head of his monstrous organ swelling against the silken walls of her inner channel.
Lucy had always been a hot-blooded woman, had always had a burning desire for fucking and sucking. She had started screwing around with the boys at fourteen, and had been doing so ever since, loving every hot fuck more than the last. But only Rod had completely satisfied her with his expertise at fucking. He had known exactly what to do to make her go mad with ecstasy.
She could still feel his lips on her cunt, pressing her wet flesh, kissing her pussy until she cried with delight. She could still feel his expert tongue pressed against her clit, licking at her cuntlips, thrusting deep inside her tight hole. She could still feel his hands on her tits, could feel his fingers pinching her little nipples until they stiffened and tingled with excitement.
It had been several days since she had had a good fuck, and her cunt was a hot as a steaming jungle. Thinking about the honey fucks she had had with Rod wasn't making her any more comfortable. Dave Taggert had tried his best to satisfy her the week before. In fact he had fucked her three times a day for a week, but even that hadn't been enough. She still seethed with lust, lust that grew with every passing day.