Marcus Huttning
Linda's Strange Vacation
Linda arrived at her uncle's villa. A splendid sun paved a golden pathway to the white stucco mansion gleaming like a clean sheet under a soft blue sky. The young girl's eyes sparkled in the yellow day that poured its transparent veil of gold over the rocks, the joyful pines and the dappled sea. One week of vacation, one long relaxful week, had just begun.
“Here we are,” Lola waved. She met the youngster at the station in her small sports car.
Linda had not yet met the blond woman, and she was not at all surprised. Her uncle Arthur changed his mistresses often, and this did not go without notice in the family. Despite their attempt at hiding their shock at his behavior, it managed to blurt out at the most unexpected moments. The family was composed of uncles and aunts. Their parents were dead, but an inheritance saw them through the more troubling aspects of their material existence. Even Linda was fortunate in being protected by a email annuity which gave her not only a college education, which she was now undergoing in a girl's school near London, but it also offered
independence and a certain ease of mind. She had been receiving the consoling sum of some? 125 since the age of ten. It was enough to permit her to expand her wings and yawn without a true worry in the world. If she needed more, there was always uncle Arthur and the others.
“Oh, I like this auto.” These were her first words opening the conversation which had to begin at one time or another. She smiled at Lola in an effort to win the woman's friendship.
Lola was the first to climb out of the late model two-seater. She moved with alacrity and pride. She was only wearing a pair of shorts, cut extremely short and showing a lovely pair of bronzed legs, long and shapely. A mere blouse which had been negligently buttoned could not hide her luscious solid breasts almost popping out of her opened sporty blouse.
Instinctively Linda compared her own 'quality' with that of her companion whom she estimated to be about twenty?five years old. She had been complimented on her beauty many times, although there were those horrible low whistles she loathed in the streets of London. After all, they were compliments in a way. Feeling appreciated by all, the significant and the insignificant, was a source of well?being and assurance for the young girl. Naively and a little fearful, she wondered whether she would not appear too thin in contrast to her uncle's favorite, especially when she put on a bathing suit. The idea was quickly dropped as Lola signaled her to follow. Valise in hand, she stumbled after Lola toward the house.
“You'll like it here. You'll see.” The young woman opened the door and continued to praise the merits of the locale. “There isn't a house around for miles. The beach on rocks are so deserted that you can go in bathing completely nude.”
Linda's eyes slipped to the floor on the last hanging words of the sentence. She felt that Lola had brought them out as a dig, but then she pinched herself for groping with her hypersensitive imagination.
She smiled back timidly. Her eyes caught the steel glance of the handsome woman. Linda was able to visualize Lola's superb body perfectly modeling the deserted beach with its bronze?golden tint.