Marvin Cox
The horny librarian
Candy Walker looked at the thick bulge of his cock, her eyes widening. The young man stood there, his legs slightly apart, his hands on his hips.
"Could you tell me where I can find some back issues of Time magazine?" he asked, his voice a rich, low baritone.
"I… I…" Candy stuttered, then gave a little cry as she lost her balance on the stool where she was sitting.
"Watch it," the man said, grabbing her by the shoulders. He pulled her slightly forward, brushing her face against the inside of his left thigh. "You might hurt yourself," he added.
A jolt of electric pleasure raced up and down Candy's spine, finally fluttering in the back of her pussy. And although her legs were rubbery, she somehow managed to stand, giving an embarrassed smile.
"You OK?" the man asked, his hand still on her shoulder, his fingertips gently squeezing into her soft, yielding flesh.
Candy now felt her pussy begin to throb like it never had before, her tight cunt-hole puckering, oozing out a steamy film of juice, sticking her I panties to the silky patch of her cunt-hair. Her eyes quickly swept over his features, taking in the sight of his blue-black, curly hair, his dark-blue eyes, his square-jawed face, his waist like a greyhound, and… God! That huge slab of cock! She could almost imagine what it must look like. Big and juicy, as thick as her wrist and probably filled with a hot load of boiling cum.
"Candy?" the head librarian said, darting her head around the bookshelf. "Would you mind locking up?" She looked at Candy's flushed expression, then to the young man. "When you're finished, that is," she added with a knowing smile, glancing from the pile of books on the floor back up to the man.
"Candy," the man said softly after the woman had left. "What a pretty name. I like it."
"What's yours?" Candy asked, wondering where she'd gotten the courage to even speak. Her heart was pounding her throat.