Kathy Harris
Horny naughty niece
"Now, honey, you just remember that your uncle and cousin and I all feel the same way about your staying with us for a while… we want you to consider this your home. We all want you to feel comfortable here with us," Aunt Julie told Ivy as Uncle Brock helped the teenaged girl into the guest room with her several suitcases.
"I always feel at home here, Aunt Julie and Uncle Brock," Ivy murmured with a smile as she looked at her aunt and uncle, thinking how nice and loving they both were. Her gaze lingered on Uncle Brock and, for the first time, the youngster realized just what a hunk the man was. Guess I must be growing up, she thought, feeling her little pussy begin to drool. "And it's not like this is the first time I've come here for a visit."
"Oh, we know that, honey," Uncle Brock said, sitting down next to his niece on the edge of the bed and placing his large, warm hand on her knee. "But before, it was always just for a few days at a time. Now, your parents want you to stay here indefinitely, so we want you to think of our home as yours."
For a minute or two, Ivy found that she could not even respond to her uncle's welcoming words. His hand was burning right into her knee and she swallowed hard, trying to control the sensations of incestuous desire which surged through her young cunt. Then, what her uncle was saying penetrated the fog of lust which seemed to surround her and she frowned, her lower lip beginning to tremble.
"Why, Ivy! Whatever is the matter?" Aunt Julie said with concern as she sat down on the other side of her niece and put her hand high up on the teenager's thigh.
"I-I just don't really understand why my own mother and father have sent me away like this! I love you both and I love my parents too, you know that!" Ivy cried. "It's just as if I've been kicked out of my own home!"
Ivy began to cry and Aunt Julie reached out and took the young girl into her loving embrace. As Ivy sobbed against her aunt's chest, she was aware of the older woman's tits against her own. She wondered why she should be thinking about her aunt's tits at a time like that. But she could feel her little pussy throb and she knew that she was as turned on to her aunt as she was to her uncle. She was shocked by that discovery, but excited, too.
"Oh, baby, baby," Julie murmured, patting the young girl on her heaving back. "It's not like that at all."
"No, Ivy, it's not," Uncle Brock put in, moving closer to his niece and wrapping his arms about her so that the three of them were locked in a close, warm embrace. "You know that your mother and father have been having some problems lately in their marriage and they just need some time alone to work things out."
"That's right, dear," Aunt Julie said softly, "they thought it would be too stressful for you to be at home during this e… so much tension, you know… and your uncle and cousin and I will do our best to make you happy week you're with us."