Kathy Andrews
Hot horny mother
Insatiable. The word sounded as if it applied to her and her alone.
Thrashing about on her bed, unable to nap, Carol wished she was stronger. But she was a weak woman, she knew. She could not fight this ravaging hunger within her.
Carol had always been different than other girls that she knew and grew up with. And now she was different than grown women she knew. The problem was, Carol could not keep her eyes off boys or men.
Thirty-three years old, and she could not keep her hot, smoky eyes off the front of a boy's pants. So far, she had managed to keep her hands off them, but it was becoming more and more difficult to do. There was nothing wrong with her mental and emotional condition at all. Nothing except this increasingly burning desire, this hunger to fuck and suck.
Carol had only held one cock in her hand, felt it sliding about her cunt, kissed and stroked it. The cock of her husband's. Or a husband now.
The sun was high, and she knew, she should not be on this bed trying to nap. She knew she wouldn't nap. Every time she closed her eyes, the suffering became worse.
The window was wide open, and a breeze came in, but it was not cool enough to douse the fires smoldering between her thighs. She could hear sounds outside, the usual daytime sounds of late spring.
Carol's hand moved up and down her thigh. She had drawn her foot up on the bed, bending her knee, her skirt sliding back. It felt good to caress her thigh; it was so creamy smooth and responsive to the touch. It was even more responsive to the touch of a hand other than her own.
Drawing her fingertips lightly along the inner surface of her thigh, she sighed heavily. Her finger came close to the tight crotch of her panties, then circled the elastic and lace there. A shiver ran through her as she brought her other hand up, placing it atop one tit. The fingers on her thigh began to gently move up and down the stretched fabric of her panties. She could feel the heat coming from her cunt as she rubbed with a feathery touch, and then her ass began to writhe in a lazy way.
She probed delicately at her clitoris, feeling the tip against her panties. A sob burst from her as she lifted her hips, pressing harder into her cunt. The hunger was so great, the torment so severe.
Worming her finger beneath her panties, she stroked a puffy cunt lip, playing teasingly with the silken hairs. She sighed again. Parting her lips, she ran her tongue over them, slow and suggestively. Her finger was moving up and down the steamy slit of her cunt now, rubbing along the edges of her inflamed clitoris. Her hips moved in a rotating motion, slowly. Her nipple burned through her blouse and seemed to sear her palm.
"Oooooh," she moaned softly, lifting her ass higher on the bed, both feet drawn back now.
Her knees were wide apart. She arched her head until her neck strained, her fingers moving faster on her rigid clitoris. As the ecstasy swelled inside her body, she shoved her hand away from her cunt. Another moan bubbled from her as she began to rapidly thrust her finger into her cunt. The moist sounds of her finger fucking her pussy were loud in the bathroom.