J T Watson
Willing stepdaughter
"You're really looking good tonight, honey," Will Thompson told his stepdaughter.
Sandra Parker was finding it hard to keep from trembling as she prepared the evening meal. She was very aware of her stepfather's eyes following her every move. She wished she had worn something a little less revealing than her halter-top and tight white shorts.
But then Sandra hadn't known that she was going to be left alone with Will this evening Sandra's mother was a registered nurse and she had been called to work a second, shift that evening because of an emergency.
Sandra kept telling herself that there was nothing to worry about but she wished her stepfather wouldn't keep undressing her with his eyes. Sometimes he made her feel completely naked.
"You don't like me very much, do you?" Will asked her.
"I never said that," she answered.
"But you're always trying to avoid me," Will pointed out.
"That's not true," she lied.
She really did try to avoid her stepfather. She didn't like to have him around. She didn't like him even if he was married to her mother. Not that he was a bad-looking man. He was tall and well built and he did have a certain kind of charm. But he was not the kind of man who appealed to her.
"You shouldn't stay away from me like the plague," Will said. "After all, I like redheads. And you're even a better looking redhead than your mother."