J T Watson
Raped virgin in bondage
Mona Johnson was in a hurry. She was already late for the church party, and it looked like she was going to be even later. The dark clouds threatened rain. She hated driving in the rain, especially in the new sports car that her father had just bought her.
Besides, she had known it was stupid to take a short cut. It was not so bad in the daylight but this section of road looked really bad at night. The road was empty and there were few houses. She hadn't realized how deserted the way really was.
Perhaps she was pushing her new sports car a little hard. She suddenly felt the little sports car shudder. There was a loud popping noise.
"Oh no," Mona said.
Mona was a fair driver, and she eased the car over to the side of the road. Mona was never the type of girl who used bad language but at that moment she was tempted.
Mona played the piano at the church and the party was being given for her. It was supposed to be a surprise party. Nobody had come right out and told her, but she knew it was. She had dressed to knock everybody's eyes out.
She was wearing a delicate blue dress that hugged her body in all the right places. Perhaps it was a little low cut for church but this was supposed to be a party. It was not the kind of dress to change a flat in if she'd been the type to change one in the first place. Which she wasn't. Her father had always done those type of things for her. He took care of her.
She opened the car door and her problems got worse, for the first big drops of rain started falling. She quickly shut the car door again. She couldn't have the rain messing up her new hairdo or ruining her makeup.
She was just sitting there, wondering what she was going to do, when she saw headlights in her rear view mirror. A few moments later she breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the blinking lights on top of the police car.
The young officer got out and walked to her door. He was wearing one of those yellow rain jackets. He wore no hat. She thought that he looked like a nice young man.