Jordan Silver
Sweet Redemption
Chapter 1
I’m done, that’s it, that’s all I keep telling myself each time I climb from between her slender thighs it’s the same refrain over and over again; you can’t keep doing this Drake. But I keep coming back for more. Why? Because she’s got the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted in my life, ever tasted, or ever fucked and her scent is so intoxicating it seeps into me and plagues me for hours after I’ve left her presence. She was fast taking me down a path I wasn’t ready to trod again not in this lifetime, but I couldn’t get enough. I looked down at her, sweet Cherry that’s her name, Cherry-Ann to be exact. She’s a hot little number from the wrong side of the tracks but that was beginning to matter less and less these days. I wasn’t too worried any more about what anyone else was going to think; shit I’d done the right thing and look where it got me, a wife who fucked every swinging dick in two counties, and a five-year marriage down the drain. I’m thirty- two years old and my life is shit. I felt the anger that was now my constant companion reach out and grab me by the throat as I battled it back. I wouldn’t let myself become that man, bitter and jaded, I wouldn’t give my filthy ex the satisfaction though thoughts of her made me contemplate murder.
I’d always thought that having lots money was the answer to all life’s woes, wrong. Money bought you shit but it did fuck all to mend a broken heart. Dana had been the girl of my dreams or so I’d thought, we were both from upper middle class families; well mine was a little more well to do than hers. She was heavy into the church seeing as how her father was a minister, too bad he wasn’t able to save that particular member of the flock. While I was off racing cars to make enough money so we could live the way she wanted to she’d been fucking everything for miles around, apparently it had been going on for some time too before I found out the day I came home early from a race in Italy. One of the sponsors had sent me home in his private jet which had cut my trip in almost half so the bitch had not been expecting me to say the least, neither had her cousin and his canine friend, sick fucking shit. I’d run to the bathroom and puked my guts up before I remembered where I kept my gun and started firing lead. I’m glad I hadn’t hit anyone now but back then I was pissed the fuck off that I’d missed.
There had been tears and recriminations but I’d shut down, I didn’t want to hear fuck all from her mouth and if she hadn’t left when she had there’s a good chance I would’ve killed her that night. I’d never been so disgusted in my life and throughout my travels I’ve seen some sick shit. Each time the memory came back of what I’d seen on that bed I’d gotten sick to my stomach. Burning the bed in the backyard hadn’t done much to erase it from my mind, and neither had moving into a hotel for the time being. The house had been a rental while our dream house was being built or I would’ve burnt that shit down too probably. Her father had tried talking to me but I had nothing but disdain for his hypocritical ass, had it been anyone else but his precious daughter caught with a dog’s dick in her ass he would’ve pontificated from the pulpit for a month of Sundays. Then again I had no idea what story she’d given him to explain my sudden hatred. No, hatred wasn’t the word I’m not sure there was a word in the English language to describe what I felt for her.
At the divorce hearing it came to light that they’d been fucking each other since they were kids and she didn’t see it as cheating since he was her cousin and they’d alwayqs been doing it. I asked the judge cool as a cucumber if there wasn’t some kind of special dispensation that would allow me to cut her fucking head off and get away with it, after which I asked her if she’d been fucking the family dog since then too. Nasty bitch. She’d had the nerve to try to turn that shit around, my constant absences were grounds for her to cheat; when I started hearing about all the others that she’d fucked behind my back I’d felt like ten kinds of fool. Something hard and mean had been born in me that day, I vowed never to let anyone that close again, never again would I allow anyone to get the drop on me.
Now looking down at sweet Cherry as she laid supine her body flush from a vigorous fucking I felt my cock spring to life again, an anomaly that happened only with her. It didn’t matter how many times I emptied myself in her I always seemed to want her again immediately after. Turning to her my big arm resting across her middle as she turned her face up to me questioningly I took her lips once more, my tongue playing just inside her mouth seeking hers until it came out to play.
“Umm…” Soft and succulent, the taste of her went to my head, both of them.
“I want you on your knees this time.” I didn’t wait for her acquiescence but instead helped her into position my leaking cock like a seeking rod. I teased her ass with the tip of my finger up to the first knuckle as the soft pink of her pussy opened like a flower around the thick bulbous head of my cock. Sometimes I liked to watch myself taking her slow like this, liked that first taste of her wet heat around the crown of my meat. She gave me that cute little sound she always made whenever I entered her the first time and I sunk in deeper until I bottomed out in her tight snatch with a couple inches left.
Hands clenching the rumpled sheets beneath her she pushed back against my hips taking me in even deeper until I was no longer knocking at the door to her womb but was firmly nestled inside. It was a tight fit to be sure. Slow and easy Drake she must surely be sore after the hours of rough pounding she’d just endured but no matter how much I told myself this it never lasted. It was her own fault for having such a succulent cunt. Plump and completely hairless, her slit was one long gash from front to back she had one of those pussies that were high in the back which made fucking her doggie style a thing of intense joy and pleasure I could dig into her deeper this way with the sight of her puckered asshole driving me nuts.
Her ass opened around my finger as she creamed my cock, maybe I’d have enough left to fuck her ass again, she likes that, her orgasms are always phenomenal whenever I ass fuck her while shoving three big fingers in her dripping cunt, but first I needed to fuck her pussy one more time. Hopefully this time will be enough because if I kept at her anymore tonight she won’t be able to walk for a week. The last time that happened she’d had to come up with a lie to get out of work and I’d had to ice her little pussy for an hour at least.
“Jerk me off with your pussy.” I held still while she moved her hips and ass, sliding on and off my cock just how I’d taught her, her cries of pleasure getting louder in the tiny room. I didn’t see the room, didn’t register its sparseness or the threadbare walls, all I saw was her, the deep arch of her back, the tilt of her ass as she tried to get even more of me in her. My cock was hard as fuck and hungry, pre cum mixed with her pussy juice dripped out and ran down both our thighs.