Jordan Silver
His One Sweet Thing
Chapter 1
This was going to get out of hand fast and I didn’t know how to stop it, or moreaptly put I wasn’t sure I wanted to. My cock twitched in my pants as I watched her tight little ass under the terry cloth short shorts she wore. Her long black ponytail bounced against her neck and her braless tits bobbed up and down just adding to my torture. I was almost tempted to go rub one out in the bathroom but seeing as I had a backyard full of guests that probably wasn’t the smartest move I could make so I stayed seated and feasted with my eyes.
Taking a sip from my ice-cold beer I tried tuning back into the conversation going on around me, my ex in laws were scattered around my massive backyard enjoying my annual fourth of July barbecue the same as they’d done every year for the last five; there was one glaring difference now though, we were no longer related, not since I’d found my darling wife with another man’s cock in her mouth while another ass fucked her. Needless to say our marriage died a quick and sudden death that day. The bitch at least had had the decency to carry out her torrid bullshit in the guesthouse. I’d calmly snapped away some pictures with my smartphone as evidence always the forward thinker that’s me.
Whatever, those pictures went a long way to helping me keep everything that was mine, I guess she forgot in her haste to bag me she’d signed a prenuptial agreement. She never would’ve had to worry about me doing her wrong either prenuptial or not because that’s not the kind of guy I was, until that day.
After that day something inside me changed and I’m still not sure if it was for the better or not; I’d gone hard when I’d told my lawyer I wanted her to have nothing, that’s right not even the gifts I’d given her in the six years of our marriage, not the clothes she’d bought with my money, nothing. In the end the judge had taken pity on her and awarded her ten thousand dollars to tide her over until she got on her feet again. Ten thousand fuck, she had handbags that cost more. I gave all her shit away to a homeless woman around the corner from my office building and directed her on how to make a killing. That woman now owns a little bakery with a nice apartment upstairs so you see it wasn’t all a waste.
Anyway after I was rid of her scuzzy ass I took things slowly, there was no mad rush back into the social scene though I had plenty offers. I’m not a bad looking guy if I do say so myself. At six four one eighty five with black hair and pewter grey eyes that glowed silver at times I’ve been told I should model for GQ. The fact that I was loaded didn’t hurt any; when the judge had asked Jenny why she’d done what she had knowing the consequences if caught she’d said that she couldn’t help herself, apparently according to her she had a sickness, she was a sex addict. I can attest to that but stupid me, I thought that as long as I was scratching her itch on a regular basis things would be fine. Silly me.
Its been six months now and like I said her family are all here enjoying my hospitality, I had no problem with that her family was cool we’d always got along and when her brother and his wife and then her parents had contacted me after the divorce to say they didn’t agree with her actions and had no intention on losing me as part of their family because of her stupidity I had seen nothing wrong with keeping the connection. At thirty three I’m pretty much alone in the world, my parents had gone down in a commercial flight when I was in my first year of university leaving me with one distant great uncle who I never knew. I had no living grandparents and my parents were both only children so that was pretty much it.
The money from the insurance plus what the airline paid out was set aside. I had to choose whether or not I wanted to leave school and run dad’s company that was now mine or finish my classes and let the board run things for the next few years. In the end I decided to finish school, it had always been the plan for me to work with dad before eventually taking over at the helm, I was just being made to do it sooner than either of us would’ve liked.