Jack Grant
Making Daddy
Chapter 1
As Robin Hawley prepared to sneak out in the dark night and watch her daddy screw a young girl she was doing it more by budding female instinct than any sure knowledge. Strange new feelings about her father were growing in her small bosom, and she tingled now at the thought of what she was about to see.
Robin held her breath and listened for the soft, even sound of her sister's breathing. The bedroom was dark and quiet. She figured it must be close to midnight by now. It had been hard to stay awake so late, but the excitement of what she might see had keyed her up so she didn't even feel tired. Now she slipped back the sheet and crawled out of her twin bed.
She stood a moment listening for any sign from Jodi. There was none, and Robin tiptoed across the soft carpet to the door. Her heart was pounding and she shivered a little even though the night was warm. It was August, and the summer had hit with a fierce, gripping heat wave that seemed reluctant to loosen. Robin loved it for several reasons.
Summer vacation was her favorite time of year, since it meant no school. Summer vacation also meant the lake cabin instead of the house in the city. And now, there was the special thrill of finding out some of the things she wanted to know!
She had been down at the lake swimming, lazing in the water, floating on her back in an inner tube. She let the currents and waves carry her wherever they would, and she lay with her eyes closed to the sun. She hadn't realized that she had been drawn back to the dock and the pontoon boat tied to it until she heard the murmur of voices. She opened her eyes and pulled herself under the end of the dock, thinking she would sneak up on the talkers and splash them from her hidden stronghold. At ten, Robin enjoyed the childish games and trickery.
She paddled softly so as not to alarm those on the other end of the dock. She recognized her father's voice first.
"God, you've got to know that I've been looking at you and wanting you since that first day you walked out here on the beach in that goddamn bikini! Christ, Francie, the sight of those tits drives me crazy! I want to feel them…"
Robin saw the shadow of movement as the man put his hand on the girl.
"Mister Hawley, don't! Someone might see us!" It was Francine Collins, the sixteen-year-old girl who lived in a cabin a short distance along the shore. Her brother did some work around the yard and cabin for the Hawleys and she often wandered down to watch him or to talk to the girls, Robin and her nine-year-old sister Jodi. Sometimes, Stan Hawley took Francie or her brother Jack water-skiing behind the big boat. When Robin rode along to spot for them, she noticed the way her father watched the older girl-it was hard for him to take his eyes off her.
So now, she was very quiet under the dock while she listened to them talk.