John Friday
Twin wives in bondage
Wanda's first experience with the bewildering ways of intense pain and intense pleasure took place in a dentist's chair. She awoke one Saturday morning with a horrible toothache. The stabbing pain made it hard for her to speak, but she got Dr. Jarrod on the phone the kind, silver-haired dentist who had treated both her and her twin sister Wilma since they both had baby teeth.
"I was going to play golf," Dr. Jarrod said, "but this sounds like an emergency. I'll meet you at my office in half an hour."
It being Saturday, there were no other patients and no assistants in the usually crowded dental office. And Dr. Jarrod, dressed casually in his golfing clothes, seemed unusually warm and consoling.
"Ummm," he said with concern. "You have a nasty cavity. It's going to hurt a little, but I think we can save the tooth."
Wanda started cringing right them. Whenever the dentist said it would hurt a little, it usually hurt like raging hell!
"I'll give you a couple of shots to numb the pain," he said. "And you can have gas if you need it." He held out a little nose mask with a rubber tube and a bulb to squeeze. "It has a fancy chemical name," he said, "but most people call it laughing gas. If you feel it start to hurt, just squeeze the rubber bulb and breathe deeply the gas will make you a little light-headed, and the pain will fly away."
Many of Dr. Jarrod's patients were children, and he said a lot of stupid things like that… the pain will fly away! Where the pain flew was right up her ass. It hurt way down to there. Wanda moaned, writhing in the big leather chair, gritting her teeth and clamping the dark hole of her ass.
She squeezed the bulb and breathed in deep, Wanda heard the scrape of the drill, but her mind drifted off in the haze of blurring mist.
Unfortunately, the soothing effect only lasted a few seconds. A moment later she crashed back into the real world of grinding pain.
Dr. Jarrod purred: "There, there… it'll be all right."