Jim Dawson
Raped runaway
"Please, mister, don't hurt me," flfteen-years-old Lyn Holmes said to the man who was about to lower his naked body to heft. The man paused, his throbbing cock wedged between the lips of her tender young cant, and looked at her.
Lyn was worth looking at. Tall, supple, with good tits-flrm, high-set mounds, with large red circles at the center of the white abundance, circles centered on stiffened nipples. Her body tapered down to a small waist, then flared out into generous hips. As his eyes slid lower, they took in the thicket of russet cunt hair that began below her navel and swept down her body, into the undercurve of her torso. Lyn's lefts were even better than the rest of her, but he couldn't see all of them, since they were in the shadows.
"You're not going to tell me you're a virgin, are you?" he asked.
She hadn't acted like a virgin. He'd picked her up along the highway several hours earlier, given her a ride and shelter from the storm that was intensifying in power outside at that very moment.
From all indications, Hurricane Abby was showing potential as one of the most devastating storms to strike the East Coast in years. When they had reached Boston at three in the morning, she had accepted his offer of a place to stay even when he'd told her there was only one bed.
They had gotten soaked in the short distance from where he parked to his apartment. Once inside, he'd tossed her a large beach towel that he'd taken from the living room closet. "Here," he'd said, "get out of those wet clothes and dry off."
To his delight, she had caught the hem of her shortened, sleeveless sweatshirt and shucked it right before him. Frank had sucked in his breath at the sight of her braless tits. He had noticed them jiggling as she'd moved and had known they were, but he hadn't known they were perfect. Frank that been aware of tits since the age of thirteen, fifteen years earlier. In those fifteen years, he had rarely seen a set of jugs as beautiful as Lyn sported.
He had whistled involuntarily and the auburn hair rid had smiled it him as she had reached for the fastener on her blue jeans cutoffs. Frank had fumbled with his own clothing as he watched her open the shorts, then pixel them down along with her bikini panties. He had been pleased that she was a natural redhead. There was something about discovering a different color at a woman's cunt that turned him off.
Frank had watched Lyn's body jiggle as slit had dried herself. it had been more than he could stand. He had caught her by the hand and tugged her towards him. There had been a little hesitation in her step until he had looked her in the eye and whispered: "You don't have to fuck me, you know." Then she had almost surged into his arms.
Although Frank led an active sex life, it had been a long time since he had run across anybody like Lyn. The teenager had kissed him as enthusiastically as he had kissed her. He had caressed her back briefly, then slid his hands down to her luxurious ass.