Jason Cannon
The starlet_s sucking lips
Kit wheeled her Triumph up to the studio gates and stopped at the guard's shack.
"Mornin', Miss. Do you have an authorized pass?"
"Of course, of course," Kit said, impatiently handing him the card that Reynolds had given her the night before. The card that would admit her into World Galaxy Studios, and, Kit felt sure, into a world of stardom.
She couldn't be bothered by such trivial matters as a pass to get through the main gate. Couldn't this guard see that she had that certain "something", that "star quality" that set her apart from all the other pretty faces? Well, she mused, he would see it soon enough. He'd soon be showing her the respect she deserved. She'd show him, she thought, as he returned the pass and gestured her through the gates and into the studio parking lot.
Galaxy Studios. She was really here! She could hardly believe it. Everything had happened so fast at the party the night before her head was still spinning.
The party. One of those dull, Hollywood bashes that you go to because you don't have any place better to go to that night. She didn't even know whose house it was at, but her roommate Terri another aspiring actress, had talked her into going.
"You never know who you'll meet," Terri had urged.
"Bullshit," Kit had retorted. "I'll just meet a lot of other unemployed actors."
Kit had been right. They party was dull. Dull, that is, until a particularly virile hunk of man walked through the door and took her breath away. He was gorgeous – tall, blue-black hair, black eyes that were pools of molten lava, oozing sensuality and lust, a lean muscular body that moved like a cat, and a prominent bulge in the front of his tight pants that made Kit's pussy start oozing in anticipation.
She didn't know his name, although the face was vaguely familiar. Possibly some actor she had seen once in a TV commercial. It didn't matter. She had to meet him. And, never having exactly been accused of being shy, she grabbed an extra glass of champagne off a passing tray and moved in on him.
"I believe this is yours," she said, handing him the glass and pressing close to him, allowing him a perfect vantage point to look down into the depths of her low-cut gown, revealing her magnificent, heaving tits.
"Is this… all… mine?" he grinned, never taking his eyes from the dark we of the cleavage between her tits.
"Think you can handle it?" she whispered hotly, pressing even closer to him.