Jack Benjamin
The Paths Of Incest
Chapter 1
Many experts state flatly that the most common form of incest is that which takes place between father and daughter. They point out that age has a great deal to do with this type of incest, for most father-daughter incest takes place at the point where the girl is approaching puberty and continues to be prevalent when girls are in their early teens. Once incest has been committed, the girl usually breaks off the relationship when she is exposed to the normal world of boy-girl relationships, or when she realizes that it is unnatural, or finds it personally or morally distasteful. However, a great many cases of mutually pleasing father-daughter incest are disrupted and terminated when the wife-mother discovers the situation. Seldom does the father involved, voluntarily end the relationship.
The other common form of incest is that between brother and sister; yet, this usually occurs when both or one of the partners are too young to understand the act and most experts state that the incest is merely in the form of experimentation or child sex play, and is discontinued when one or the other of the parties reaches the age of understanding or puberty, and begins to feel the normal attractions to the opposite sex.
The first case history involves an attractive woman who had fled into lesbianism and, finding it unfulfilling, sought psychiatric help.
Marie came to a psychiatrist who uses hypno-therapy on difficult cases. She had been married for four years; had two sons, and had felt no sexual attraction for her husband since dating in college. She had several affairs with different men in hopes of finding sexual gratification. Failing, she found herself involved in a torrid, but one-sided lesbian relationship with a neighbor. She eventually found this distasteful, because she found no sexual joy or fulfillment in it, and sought professional help. Here then, is Marie's story, condensed, but complete:
When I first dated Tom, I liked him. I wanted sex with him, but I wanted him to think I was a virgin. But most of all, I guess I didn't want him to know that I hadn't been a virgin since I was eleven years old, or that it was my father who had busted my cherry and first fucked me. (The notes of the psychiatrist state that as she admitted this, an unconscious look of pleasure came to Marie's face.)
It started when my mother was in the hospital. She was there for three weeks. I was taking a bath one night, and, finding no towel there, I called for my daddy to bring me one. When he came into the bathroom, and saw me standing there, he just stared hard at my little titties and my almost hairless box. I knew that I was beginning to have the shape of a woman. My breasts were beginning to take form and the nipples were already standing out, pink and pretty. I had a little pubic hair, but it was so light that it didn't cover the lips of my cunt. It was blonde, and only showed in the right light. I hadn't started to menstruate yet, but my mother told me to expect it soon, after I told her about a strange feeling I got around the same time each month. We had talked about sex in a vague way-about how babies come, and about not letting boys put their hands on my breasts or my "peeper" as I called it then.
I wasn't embarrassed at all, standing there naked, with my father looking at me. I was proud, in a way, that I was becoming a woman, and that he seemed so enthralled with my body. I suppose I even shoved out my pelvic area a little. I stood straight and breathed deep, so he could see how nice my breasts were getting. (NOTE: Many psychiatrists state that a female is at her most sexually aggressive stage between the ages of twelve and sixteen. Marie was, at that time, only three weeks away from her 12th birthday.) He handed me the towel and I could see the front of his pants start to bulge. I knew what was happening to him. I had a boy cousin who had played with my cunt, and then taken out his prick and I saw what a hard on looked like. He had made me take it in my hand and jerk it a little. I remembered how I had enjoyed it, in a way, but I'd been afraid to let him put it in my box.
I didn't take the towel. I asked my daddy to dry me all over. He had often dried my hair, but that was when I had on my pajamas. He was gentle, especially when he dried my breasts. Then he began to dry me between the legs and the cheeks of my ass, and he suddenly went wild… he began to kiss my breasts and my stomach, then he kissed my mouth and stuck his tongue deep into it. It was like a lightning bolt had hit me. I went all afire. I didn't really know what I wanted from him, but I knew I wanted a lot of something he was doing. At last, he put his finger inside my cunt. I must have been hot, because I think I had a sort of "come" right then. I put my hand on his, guiding his finger to the right spot and moving with his motion. All the while, he was kissing my mouth and my breasts, my neck and stomach.