James Barton
Daddys tempting twins
Today's middle-class Americans maintain a stable outlook which in reality masks the turmoil existing behind drawn blinds.
There is alcoholism, promiscuous sex for the adult and pre-teenager alike, and, for some, the breakup of marital relationships as a result of wife-swapping. The children observe their parents' so-called "mature" lifestyles. The mark is made, the effect lasts a lifetime.
This is the story of two related families and one get-together of debauchery where family relationships mean nothing and the satisfaction of the senses means everything. What happens to these parents and their children is a startling revelation of how events can alter personalities, how fate plays with all.
Business as usual is the daily norm. But is it? Not for these two families – outwardly, yes, in reality, no.
DADDY'S TEMPTING TWINS – a novel with a lesson for those unaware of what is really happening behind America's closed doors.
The Publisher