Video Vixens
Iris Licht
Montana Wildwood studied the players on the set and recalled her days being on the opposite side of the camera. She was relieved not to be beneath the blinding arc lights, conscious of staying on mark and remembering her lines. There generally wasn't much of a script-given the lack of story content in porn video-but she nevertheless made a conscious effort to memorize dialogue.
The girl was absolutely gorgeous. Montana was pleased to have landed someone of such fabulous allure. Blonde, blue-eyed and stirring, she materialized in her office just prior to the casting of this current production. Her tits were eye-catching, with ripe nipples standing at attention. The girl, whose name was Crystal Stewart, confessed a secret desire to appear in erotic films. She had seen her first with her boyfriend, who adamantly insisted she possessed the required talent and drove her to Hollywood to seek her fortune.
Montana was intrigued with the girl's candor when it came to nudity and performing on camera. Several of her predecessors had qualms about baring all and having sex with people they didn't know apart from the posters advertising previous Wildwood Productions hanging on the walls. Crystal appeared to love every minute the spotlight was centered upon her. Her blue eyes sparkled with rapture when she was panned. Her full, sensual lips parted and moved to whispered phrases that made a spectator's temperature climb.
Montana couldn't remember being as eager. Girls featured in porn were quick to dye their hair blonde to score points with producers. Montana didn't succumb to that trick. She kept her shoulder-length brunette hair natural, enjoying the way it whipped freely about, and which framed a stunning face with high cheekbones, cat's green eyes and a pouting mouth. At thirty-three, Montana could easily subtract five years from her age without being challenged. Her long, slinky, eye-popping figure was yet another major attraction. Men gave her second glances when she entered a room-generally to either take in those incredible legs (her slim thighs and shapely calves were to die for) or to check out her grapefruit-sized tits (they rivaled Crystal's in the T-shirt Stretching Contest). Montana, who was stacked well, invited stares from the crew throughout taping; she attributed their interest to her tiny waist and mouth-watering buns.
Montana had enjoyed a lucrative run as a porn star. She ground out several money making videos during her first year in the business that catapulted her to unimagined fame. After earning a reputation for being one of the industry's hottest (and valued) stars, Montana found herself in the enviable position of dictating the terms for each new project. She tended to enjoy the work because of its stimulating environment. It gave her tremendous exposure, and cast her opposite some of the most desirable men in the universe (at least, in her opinion).
Although the movies for which she was contracted were handsomely mounted, Montana yearned to emboss them with her personal stamp. She had her own concept of what was "hot," and wanted to be in charge of assembling those components for any product released under her label. Prudently, she funneled her own money (with some financing from backers who put their total trust in Montana) into a venture that brought her critical success. Magazines reviewing her videos complimented her on their inventiveness, claiming she stretched the erotic mind as never before. Women wrote, informing her of their satisfaction with her videos, which restored the sizzle in their bedrooms.
Crystal Stewart, her latest creation, would sell cassettes in the millions by the time she was done marketing them. Crystal's fresh, entrancing beauty was a definite plus for her product line. When she was on camera, the crew became deeply involved in her invigorating presence. If the men taping the action didn't get a hard-on, Montana concluded they weren't doing their jobs; she wanted every heart-stopping second captured at its best angle. That's what separated her output from the rest.
The rustle of sheets and the soft purrs Crystal issued drifted from the set. Montana sat in her director's chair, presiding over the scene. Her green eyes flashed with interest as Crystal's sensuous body lengthened and curved while toying with the large dildo she retrieved from the night stand. Though basically a prop to enthrall viewers, the plastic cock helped Crystal inject excitement in her every sob, her every jerk during its manipulation.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh," she moaned, trailing the head over her big, delicious-looking tits. She traced her nipples with infinite care, causing them to spring upward after several lingering strokes. Crystal didn't merely pursue her fleshy stubs-she lent the impression that each step taken was a precursor to a major event. What she actually intended to do with the dildo kept the viewer in suspense from the manner she handled it.
Montana attempted to detach herself from Crystal's exhibition and maintain a professional eye, but found herself getting drawn into the situation. Nearly every cell in her body was awakened by the girl's performance. Crystal was exceptional, she told herself repeatedly, gazing at those surging tits as she melodiously exhaled. The blonde hair fanned across the pillow enclosed a face in exquisite agony. Crystal's eyes glittered with dawning joy as she navigated the instrument of pleasure. One could tell nothing furnished her greater excitement than a stiff cock.