Frank Reedstream
Come Again and Again: Male Multi-orgasmic Masturbation
Chapter One: Basic principles
Do you want to learn how to masturbate in such a way that you can have as many orgasms per day as you could possibly want? What is more, do you want to learn how to masturbate to a state of blissful pleasure that is far more lasting and intense than anything you have experienced masturbating the ordinary way?
Perhaps this idea of masturbating to multiple daily orgasms is not news to you. Perhaps you have never heard of it. Perhaps you have tried other programs, books, teachers, but have failed at mastering multi-orgasmic masturbation. Whichever way, no one will blame you if you are a bit skeptical. But hopefully you are at least a bit curious to find out if such an extraordinary thing is possible, and if it can be made possible for you, and how.
I have learnt to masturbate in such a way that I orgasm many times per day, and I would like to share my knowledge with you. You can imagine that something like this can turn your life around, and believe me in my case it has. I have found this masturbation technique to be a powerful instrument that has had a profound effect on my view of pleasure, sex, happiness and life itself. Trust me, if you manage to get it right, you will change profoundly. Speaking for myself, it has taught me to take pleasure from life to an extent that I have never imagined, let alone been able to achieve before. Whilst I am not saying that multi-orgasmic masturbation is the answer to the meaning of life, this I am prepared to say: If you learn to master the mindset and mental skills that are necessary to achieve multi-orgasmic masturbation, you will learn not only how to have multiple orgasms and experience unparalleled pleasure. You will grow as a person.
Like most of us, you want to be happy. Pleasure is not happiness. But if you learn to cultivate the mindset of happiness that I hope to help you to learn, one of the hugely valuable spinoffs will be pleasure such as you have not known. You want to learn to be happy first. I hope to contribute to developing that mindset in you, which will have the benefit, amongst others, of giving you massive pleasure.
I know this sounds like motivation-speaker gobbledygook. But stick around, and it will make sense. You won’t regret it.
What this book will teach you, is not unique. There are a number of gurus, internet programs, courses and seminars that say that they can teach men how to have multiple orgasms, or whole-body orgasms, tantric sex or orgasms without ejaculation. I have researched the topic for years, and, frankly, I do not pretend to understand the theory behind the practice of multi-orgasmic sex. I do not hold myself out as a theoretical expert. But what I do know is what works for me from a practical point of view. I have tried to distill my practical experience in this very hands-on guide (pun intended!) that skips the mysticism and theory surrounding this topic, and simply conveys to you how to do it practically: what you should do to make it work, and how you are likely to feel when it does.