F. E. Campbell
Sweet Slavery
Chapter One
It had begun as one of those small jokes which, if the mood took them, could be turned into reality, a tacit but giggling contemplation of the delicious. They made a big deal of debating the length of time, they called it 'the sentence', during which Griselda would be handcuffed. They toyed delightfully with six months. . twelve?
Certainly nothing less than three! There was also the portentous question of in front or behind Griselda's back? and should she wear something or be nude? Each girl knew the answers but it was warmly erotic to roll alternatives off the tongue. And the lady must protest?!
"But, 'Tonia, behind my back I won't be able to do a thing."
"I'll do it all, darling. It's not the first time, y'know." Griselda pouted.
"You'll get tired of that. I bet you unlock me the second day."
"You know I won't It's you who'l be pleading? and it never has stopped us making love."
Each tucked the inevitable into a mental recess, the suspense of evanescence was too precious to deny. They savoured an erotic possibility they could so easily make real. Reflectively, Antonia Noyes questioned: "How long have I owned you, Griselda?"