Foster Davis
The seduction of mommy
It was noon and, except for the continuous soft purr of the refrigerator and an occasional drip from the bathroom faucet, the house was quiet.
Arlene was alone. Her son and daughter would be at Washington High School until midafternoon. At six her husband would arrive home from work. These next precious hours she had to herself.
Her hips began to undulate in anticipation of what would now begin. Her trembling fingers crawled across the taut flatness of her naked stomach. Beneath her the king-size mattress responded to her shifting weight.
Masturbation. Her own dirty little secret. Every time got wilder than the last, more wicked, more elaborate, more exhausting. At times she felt disgusted with herself. She was too old to waste half her afternoons engaged in lonely self-indulgence. It wasn't normal for a thirty-three-year-old housewife to have such overpowering sexual urges. Or was it? What about Madge down the block and Karen across the street. It was no secret that they were having extramarital affairs. And what about Barbara next door? Judging by the clothes she wore, you'd think she was a hustler. And once at a party she had emerged from a bedroom so mussed and disheveled that Arlene and everyone else watching knew what had happened. The mere thought of adultery made Arlene cringe. It was something she could never do. Never. Even though her afternoons were often spent in bed, her fingers playing havoc with her throbbing clitoris while she imagined various men pumping their hot sperm into her thirsty vagina, the concept of having a real penis stuffed up inside her seemed repulsive. The only cock she had ever had between her legs was her husband Hal's, the man she loved. And she was determined that his would always be the only one.
It wasn't Hal, though, who filled her mind at the moment. It was Ralph, a friend of her son's, a muscularly overdeveloped sixteen-year-old. It had been he who had bagged her groceries yesterday, and when he had helped her take the bags to her car their thighs had accidentally brushed against each other. The fleeting contact had meant nothing to Ralph, but Arlene had been dismayed to find upon arriving home with the groceries that her panties were soaked clear through. Though she had struggled to keep her arousal from surfacing, she had finally been forced to excuse herself from the dinner table and had gone into the bathroom where she had quieted her lust with ten minutes of vigorous masturbation.
Now she spread her legs wider and writhed, her bare body beginning to perspire slightly as her fingers neared her vagina. Scattered untidily on the pillow, her blonde hair reflected the thin stream of sunshine that leaked between the shutters.
In her fantasy, Ralph had come over for some undefined reason. She was alone in the house, but she had invited him in anyway. Almost immediately, she had smothered him with a wet, passionate kiss and whispered, "Fuck me!" in his ear. They had rushed into the bedroom, stripped naked and now lay side by side on the bed.
Arlene's mouth opened and she expelled a hot gasp as her finger touched lightly against the wet flesh along her clitoris. Her tongue lashed out and made several circles, dampening her lips. She closed her eyes, and whispered sexily, "Oh, Ralph!"
She worked the middle finger of her right hand into the juicy puffed-out lips of her pussy. Using the digit as a tiny phallus, she made rhythmic in and out strokes. Her left hand wandered up across her tightly drawn stomach to touch the undersides of her ample breasts. She pushed one breast up as far as she could, bowing her head down to it. Catching the hardened nipple between thumb and forefinger, she aimed the bud toward her face. Then, sticking her tongue out as far as she could, she managed to make contact with the tit. She felt a sexual tingle grow within her as she spread her saliva around the throbbing nipple.
Her thighs began to tremble, tightening and untightening as her steadily probing finger drove her to still higher states of arousal. She straightened her legs and spread them farther apart, curling her toes and feeling the silky bedspread tease her calves into sensual awareness.