Frank Brown
Naughty voyeur aunt
Jessica received the long distance call from Maxine only moments after Oswald had buzzed her on the intercom and had informed her that the blushing newlyweds had finally arrived and that they were on their way up to the bridal suite. Maxine's call couldn't have come at a more inconvenient moment, for Jessica had been waiting all week for the newlyweds' arrival and she couldn't bear to miss one moment of the hot show the young couple was bound to put on for her through the two-way mirror.
"I'd be delighted, simply delighted to have them stay," Jessica said. "The little darlings. Haven't seen them in years. Bucky was in first or second grade, I believe. And the twins were still in diapers. Maxine, I can't tell you how delighted I am. I simply can't wait – believe me. But I'll have to call you back for the details and to set things up, because we're in the middle of an emergency here. I can't explain now. No time. I'll call you back. Good-bye, little sister. Sorry, but I simply must run." She hung up the receiver before Maxine could even say good-bye.
On her way up to the third floor, she took the steps two at a time, her bare toes digging into the carpet. The newlyweds had almost certainly used the ancient, groaning elevator, and Jessica, for the first time, felt an affectionate kinship with that rattling old box. With luck, by the time the elevator had inched its way up the shaft and had delivered the newlyweds to the lodge's third floor, Jessica would be settled in her leopard-skin easy chair, her feet propped up on the footstool, bet clothes shed, her legs spread.
Sitting there in the dark in her cozy chamber adjacent to the bridal suite, she would watch the scene unfold in the bridal suite as if watching – a movie in a theater, for the two-way mirror was much like a movie screen – six feet high by six feet wide. The people she had spied on through it always seemed to be fascinated by the oversized wall mirror, performing for it – and her – as if it were a movie camera.
She reached the third floor at the same moment that the newlyweds were exiting the elevator at the other end of the hallway. She strode down the plushly carpeted hallway, and she extended her hand first to the young woman, and then to the young man.
"Welcome! Welcome! I'm Jessica Richards. This is my lodge, and, let me tell you, we're all delighted to have you here for your honeymoon. Here, let me help you with your bags."
Taking a suitcase in each of her hands, she escorted the couple to the bridal suite.
"I'm sorry I couldn't have met the two of you in the lobby when you arrived, but I was tied up with a long-distance call. My two nephews and my dear little niece, none of whom I've seen in ten years, are coming to visit. That was my sister on the phone telling me to expect them next week. I'm so excited. I never married, never had any kids of my own. Do the two of you plan on having children?" She set the suitcases down and straightened up.
The blushing newlyweds – hardly more than kids themselves – gawked at her, openmouthed.