Frank Brown
Horny peeping librarian
Sue Sherman arrived at work without panties on under her skirt. She never wore a bra, so today she was stark naked under her blue dress with the revealing slit up the left slide. As she walked up the front steps of the library, her naked pussylips working together, the meat between the swollen flaps slick with pussycream, she had to stop momentarily to brace herself against the railing and to take a deep breath. She felt so wicked and excited she was on the verge of coming!
If old Miss Wilmar, head librarian, were to discover that her newest assistant librarian had come to work without panties on, the prune faced old spinster would have a stroke on the spot. The thought of being so wicked and of fooling Miss Wilmar fueled Sue's excitement, for she had always loved being a naughty girl. Let anybody tell Sue that she could not do something, or that she could not have something, and Sue immediately set out to do that thing or to get that thing.
"Miss Sherman, you'll be working the mezzanine today." Miss Wilmar gave Sue the once over, peering over the taps of her bifocals and scowling.
"Yes, ma'am." Sue said with a smile.
She wheeled away before Miss Wilmar could make a remark about her dress and went to the mezzanine steps, intentionally clicking her high heels and wiggling her ass.
Kiss my ass, Sue thought, and as she climbed the steps, imagining the old bat watching Sue's tanned legs and muttering to herself about the indecent dress of today's young librarians. Miss Wilmar couldn't do anything, though. Sue was dressed according to the library dress rules. Her skirt hung within five inches of her knees. She kept her long blonde hair tied back in a pony tail, and her neckline was cut low, but not too low – just revealing the upper bulge of her tanned tits.
Thank God there's nothing in the dress code about women having to wear nylons or a bra, Sue thought. Those things were taken for granted, she supposed. All women wore them. No need to require them to wear such things by writing it up in the dress code. Well, to hell with anything not specified in the code!
Sue slipped into her chair at the mezzanine information and requisitions desk and kicked off her high heels. There was nothing in the code about library employees having to wear shoes either, so to hell with them, at least while she was sitting behind her desk.
It was a slow morning, especially up in the mezzanine. The only real bustle was happening down at the circulation desk, where librarians and library assistants were busy checking in books that had been returned over the weekend. Monday mornings were always slow up here in the mezzanine because most library patrons didn't start filtering in usually until afternoon. Only a few patrons came to Sue's desk to requisition books from the basement stacks, so she went down herself instead of sending down an order for the books.