Eileen Over
Eager To Bed Bunny
Chapter 1
"How do you like my new string bikini?" The girl taking a pose like a swimmer on a diving board was a stunning creature. Hugh stretched along his sofa thinking it was a good thing they were in his apartment and not in a pool; otherwise Louise would be leaving every male swimmer awe-struck.
"Beautiful, like everything else you buy."
"Correction. You buy. It's your money, after all."
Hugh, naked except for shorts, propped himself up on an elbow, a good-looking, sun browned man in his early thirties with shaggy, wheat-colored hair that took on glints of gold or silver according to the light. Slit-eyed, he watched Louise move about, showing what there was, which wasn't a hell of a lot, of the new bikini.
He enjoyed that rippling fleshed body, so femininely shaped, and the bouncing breasts that, while rich, were disciplined by a perfect roundness. A maddeningly curved body for whom some men in this town would offer a king's ransom for one night.
This beautiful girl with the face more suited for films than ordinary life was his, part of him, and men envied him because he kept all at a distance, allowing no one even to approach Louise.
Sure, he was still young and he had money and they all thought he was class here in London, born of wealthy parents, expensively educated and once holding an officer's commission. No one knew that he had gotten his cash the hard way, from working as a waiter, clerking in a pants store, running a lousy dry -cleaning service, hustling as a room clerk and breaking his back in the mines, first in Pennsylvania and then down there in South Africa.
No one knew and if any suspected maybe they did not give a damn. His money concerned them, and this beautiful blonde who had come across the seas from America to visit Hugh here concerned them more. They wanted her and he had her, was sleeping with her not only nightly but daily too.
They would hate him even more if they knew the true score, knew Hugh and Louise, who were perfect bedmates, were in fact brother and sister.