Danica Williams
The Master
She shivered at the command in his voice. This was supposed to be a business meeting of equals, but Harland Wells had no equals. He was not arrogant, and his manners and clothing were European and impeccable…and as far as Samantha Gordon was concerned, he was the sexiest man she had ever met. She was wondering how she was going to explain the wet spot in her panties to her husband Ron when she got home…and in the mood she was in, Ron was going to be ravaged when she arrived.
Sam had arrived at the elegant restaurant with two other attorneys to discuss the needs of Wells International during its expansion into the Savannah area. She was well dressed in an expensive designer little black dress that she could wear to parties, combined with a black bolero jacket that permitted it to masquerade as formal business wear. Modest black three inch heels gave her already gorgeous legs an even more shapely look. Her sandy brown hair hung to her shoulders with a classic pageboy cut curled inwards at the bottom enhanced her high cheekbones and intense green eyes. The only jewelry she wore was a strand of perfect white pearls around her neck.
They were guided to a private dining room with heavy curtains and an elegantly set table. Real china and silver adorned the table, and the tablecloth and napkins were crisply starched linen. An assortment of wines was arrayed across a serving table, all opened and breathing. An incredibly old bottle of brandy and snifters sat there as well.
Wells had taken control of the conversation from the moment of introductions. After dinner had been served, Wells instructed the wait staff to leave the room and that they were not to be disturbed. The self locking door closed quietly behind them.
Sam had barely been able to focus on the details of his requirements, although she had managed to scribble the important details on a scratch pad that had been provided for her along with a very expensive pen with Wells International’s logo on it.
Wells had a habit of cocking his head to one side when he was thinking, exposing the sprinkling of gray in his wavy dark hair to the soft lights of the restaurant. At the moment, his steely gray eyes were boring into Sam’s, and she realized that it made her feel naked…and she liked it. She took a sip of her brandy and unconsciously her legs spread a little under the table. If Harland had been really looking, he would have been able to clearly see the lacy black thong she was wearing.
Sam was glad that she had decided to wear the bolero jacket, because her nipples had been pushing against the little black dress from the moment he had shaken her hand. The bold stare of this stranger actually gave her the desire to display herself before him like an ancient slave girl before her master. The utter ridiculousness of the idea made her mentally snort, but the image wouldn’t leave her mind.
“I think I have covered my requirements plainly,” he said. “I expect to hear your thoughts and propositions on my needs by Monday. If you have nothing further…?” All three of them thanked him as they stood up and gathered their notepads, and they walked towards the door. When they reached the door, Wells said, “Excuse me Mrs. Gordon, could you stay behind for a moment?” Sam inhaled sharply, “You’re a happily married woman,” she thought, “this is wrong.”
“Of course,” Samantha told him, frightened and exhilarated at the same time.
The other two filed out silently and Wells led her back to the table. Instead of waiting for her to sit as he had before dinner, Wells sat down in his chair and crossed his left leg over his right knee. He sat there calmly as he looked her up and down. If anyone else had done that to her she would have been incensed. Harland Wells inspired a different feeling in her altogether.
She watched his eyes undress her and she instinctively posed for him, her legs apart, her hips and breasts thrust towards him, her hands on her hips. “Take off your jacket Mrs. Gordon,” he said softly. There was that command in his voice again, and she would no more have thought of disobeying him than she would have cut her own throat. She reached for her bolero jacket, her purse and notebook falling to the floor.
“Slowly,” he said, “this is for my pleasure, and for yours.”
Her arms thrust out behind her and the jacket slid slowly to the floor.