Debby Rawlings
Some nuns suck… secretly!
Sister Mary's cherub-faced demeanor changed upon being given two of the largest holy candles from the church sanctuary. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Father Michael," the young nun said, unable to hide her delight.
"Why, you are quite welcome," the handsome priest said. As a young priest fresh from the seminary, Father Michael looked at the blushing nun approvingly. "I think it is wonderful that you want to burn two holy candles in your room tonight. It will provide just the right atmosphere for prayer and meditation."
"Yes, it will. You should see it," Sister Mary said, turning. She placed the long candles in the pockets of her long dark smock.
Father Michael watched her from behind in surprise. "Uh, see you later."
"Yes, Father," Sister Mary said. "You know my room number?"
"Yes, I believe so."
By then the young nun was gone. Father Michael looked bewildered.
Sister Mary rushed to her room on the second floor of the nunnery, also a part of the sanctuary. She was glad to have met the new priest, Father Michael. She was quite startled by his youth and how blessed by God he was with good looks. Sister Mary berated herself, giggling slightly, deciding that thinking about a priest's body was something she should not indulge in, at least not in public.
"Shame, shame," she whispered. "You're a hot one, you are, and God bless you!"