David Ingram
Naughty hot nurse
Sarah Rennet pushed the door closed, opened the closet and removed a towel, a washcloth, soap and a large stainless steel basin. She slowly filled the basin with hot water.
It was a two bed room, but one bed was vacant. She went to the bed by the window where a big man lay. Bath of his legs were encased from toe to hip in plaster.
"Hi," Sarah said. "How are you this morning?"
"A hell of a lot better since you got here," he said raising onto his elbows.
Sarah grinned, wrinkled her nose at him. "I get to give you your bath this morning. Jane's husband is sick and she had to stay home and take care of him." Jane was the nurse's aid who gave most of the baths.
"That skinny little broad had a husband? Jesus, it sure don't take much to satisfy some guys."
"Mr. Garfunkel, that wasn't nice," Sarah said.
"Call me Big Ed, everybody does."
"Okay. And I'm Sarah."