David Crane
Peeping family
"Wasn't it nice of Arthur to invite us for the weekend?" Maggie Jones said, as she unfastened her bra. She was standing in front of the full-length mirror. She smiled with a touch of narcissism as she saw the way her big tits rolled from the loosened bra. She was a sultry, sexy woman and she knew it. She liked to be sultry and sexy and her husband Paul liked her that way, too.
Paul was undressing behind her, by the bed.
He said, "Yes. But I can't understand why a bachelor like Arthur wanted to have a big house like this."
"He must entertain a lot," Maggie speculated.
Maggie and Paul didn't really know Arthur Campbell very well and had been mildly surprised, although pleased, when the man had invited them to his country home for the weekend. This was their first night there. Thus far, Arthur had proven a gracious host. They had dined by candlelight, off silver. They had been given plenty to drink.
Maggie, still looking at herself in the mirror, pushed her bikini panties down, squirming her hips.
Paul was watching her and her reflection, both. He saw his wife's slender back and thrusting, heart-shaped ass and, beyond her, he saw her tits and crotch reflected in the glass. It was like having two women naked in the room, he thought.
His cock began to get hard.
He noticed that his wife's nipples were stiff.