David Crane
Mom gets hot
His sister's plump tit was rubbing against his arm, and Tommy Harlow began to wonder if it had been such a good idea to bring her along on this hayride, after all. Tommy hadn't noticed how sexy and nubile Debby had become in the last year. Now, huddled together under a blanket as the wagon rocked along the rough country lane, the boy was becoming very much aware of how soft and curvaceous her body was. He was afraid that this might turn out to be a very frustrating evening.
The circumstances were unusual. Tommy's girlfriend, Rebecca, had told him that afternoon that she had a long-standing date with another guy to go on the hayride. The guy, Harry, had been her boyfriend in the past, but his family had moved out of town, so Rebecca and Harry had broken off their relationship.
However, Harry had told her he would be back to take her on the hayride. Rebecca – so she claimed – had not been able to contact him to tell him she had a new boyfriend and wouldn't be able to go. Since Harry had gone to all the trouble and expense of taking a bus back to town, Rebecca figured that it was her obligation to fulfill their arrangement.
Tommy had been annoyed and jealous, but in a way he could see her paint. Rebecca had promised faithfully that she would not let Harry feel her up, or even kiss her, so, in the end, Tommy had given in and allowed her to go.
But later on, thinking about it, Tommy had gotten more jealous than ever. He wondered if Rebecca, whom he knew to be passionate, could be trusted to keep her word. He figured it would be a good idea to go along on the hayride, just to make sure that she wasn't cheating on him. But singles were not allowed, and Tommy needed a girl to accompany him. It was too late to find another date, which was why he had asked his kid sister if she would help him out in his spying mission. Taking his sister had another advantage, as well. If Rebecca realized that he was on the wagon, she couldn't very well accuse him of being unfaithful to her as long as he was with his sister. If he caught her fooling around, he could confront her without fearing a counterclaim.
Tommy and Debby had dressed in hooded jackets that pretty well disguised them. They arrived early, taking seats at the front of the wagon where they didn't think Rebecca would notice them. Debby had been excited about playing the spy, and, truth is told, was rather hoping that they would catch Rebecca being naughty so that there would be a scandal. Tommy, of course, was hoping Rebecca would prove faithful and innocent, but he, too, found the idea of spying on her rather exciting.
Rebecca and Harry had arrived at the last minute, arm in arm, and laughing merrily, causing Tommy to frown. They had taken seats halfway along the big wagon, sitting snuggled up close. So far, they had not done any necking or petting. They were only talking, as far as Tommy could see. He was keeping his eyes on them from the shadows of his hood, as the four-horse team hauled them up the trail.
Soon enough, most of the courting couples were kissing and caressing each other under their blankets, and Tommy, began to see a grave disadvantage in being with his sister. Debby really had become a delectable little minx, he thought. She had curly, blonde hair and big, blue eyes and a sensual mouth with a full, lower lip. Her tits were firm and bouncy, she had shapely legs, and her ass was like an inverted valentine. Tommy knew she had a lot of dates, and he speculated on whether she did naughty things.
It excited him to think so!
He had his arm around her shoulders, pretending that they were a dating couple, and, as the wagon rocked, his hand slipped down, as if by accident, onto the slope of her tit. Debby didn't seem to notice, and Tommy left it there, not caressing her, of course, but letting the motion of the wagon move his palm on her tit.