Diana Butts
Ball in the family
Ursula Roberts lay on her bed vaguely feeling up her cunt when she heard her fifteen-year-old son Jack come in downstairs. She had meant to spend the evening reading, but as often happened, her hand had found its way between her legs and had started to tease and caress the tingling wet womanflesh there. The book was interesting, though, so instead of really beating herself off in earnest, she had continued to read while lightly caressing the buttery labia.
"That you, Jack?" she called out.
"You're back a bit early, aren't you?" she said. Her son had gone out with a girl he really liked, and Ursula was surprised he hadn't stayed out later.
"Yeah, I guess it is kind of early," he said. His voice didn't sound very happy, that was for sure.
"Jack, would you come here a minute," Ursula said gently. She was a very dedicated mother, and if her son was unhappy, she wanted to see if she could find out why, so as to be able to cheer him up. She slid her hand away from her cunt, and pulled her bathrobe over her sexy nightie. Ursula was a magnificent forty year old who loved to clothe her voluptuous form in sexy negligees and things of that sort.
Jack came in looking very bedraggled. Ursula got the impression that he was almost on the point of tears.
"Your date didn't work out very well, did it?" she asked gently.
"Mom… it was awful!"
"Why don't you sit here on the bed and tell me all about it?" She liked having a male sitting on the edge of her bed, even when it was just her son.