Donna Allen

Humping, pumping family


"Jennifer, we're going," Sue Robin called out to her daughter. "We'll be home late. Dad will lock the doors and don't let anyone in until Bobby gets home."

"Okay, Mom," young Jennifer replied. "Have a good time."

"Cold cuts in the fridge and chocolate chip cookies."

Jennifer smiled. "I'll be fine. Mom."

"Well, okay, bye, now."

Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the front door close. She ran to the window and watched her parents climb into the car and drive off.

She returned to her bed and flopped down. She moved her hand between her legs and caressed herself. They were only going to a party at a neighbor's house. They still treated her like a baby. Just because her older brother wasn't home yet they locked every door in the house. It was silly.

She used one hand to fondle her tits as she rubbed her pussy. She would jerk off until Bobby arrived. Then they'd do what they always did when they had the house to themselves. They'd get naked and fuck.

Jennifer smiled to herself when she thought about her parents and how protective they were of their only daughter. If they knew how horny she was they'd die.

Her thought wandered to her older brother as she manipulated her clit and stroked her boobs. She loved fucking Bobby. He had taken her cherry, and, although she'd fucked other boys since that first time, he was still her favorite fucker.