Donna Allen
Family in bed
The dark-eyed redhead whirled around, laughing. "Now, Steve, don't you dare. Keep your hands off me. Just because we're alone doesn't mean… stop that!" She dissolved in giggles when her new husband grabbed her tits.
"I can't help myself," he growled, squeezing her tit-globes and rubbing his pelvis against hers.
"We're married now and we can do this later in bed." Grabbing his wrists, she tried pushing his hands away. "The folks wouldn't like it if they knew we were fooling around in the open like this."
"They wouldn't mind. They look like they still enjoy fucking around."
"Steve, don't!" But she giggled happily as he backed her into the wall.
"Let's do it right here, in the kitchen. Aw, come on. It'll be fun."
She pushed halfheartedly at his chest. "You're crazy!"
They had moved in with Gloria's parents after their marriage two months before. Steve was still in college and they couldn't afford their own place.
The rest of the family consisted of two teenagers, Patty and Billy. That meant the newlyweds had very little privacy. When everyone went out they usually ran into their bedroom to make out. Tonight Steve wanted to do it downstairs, in the open. It was crazy but exciting.