Donna Allen
Eager naughty mom
Alice Larson glanced at her oldest son and smiled. She plumped a pillow behind her back and continued reading her magazine. She glanced at him again. Was it possible that the boy was masturbating right here in the den? Could it be that he didn't think she would recognize the squirming around and fidgeting?
She was a divorced woman with three teenage Sons and sometimes the responsibility was overwhelming. Her ex-husband, the boys' father, hardly ever came around. When he did, he passed out money and thought he was doing his job as father of three boys. Alice was proud that she was doing so well. None of the boys had ever been in trouble or involved with drugs. Nowadays that was enough for a mother to be happy about.
Now she gazed at Jake and fought back a giggle. He had one hand deep in his robe pocket. He'd stayed home from school with a cold and was wearing pajamas under his robe. But it would be easy enough to stick his hand inside his fly. And she happened to know there was a big hole in the pocket of his robe. She'd noticed it the week before when she'd tossed the robe into the washer. She'd meant to fix it, but hadn't gotten around to it.
She smiled to herself and pretended to be engrossed in her magazine. Jake had a newspaper on his lap and pretended to read it. Alice knew he wasn't reading. His eyes were shut at the moment and his face looked tense.
He must have realized she was watching because he opened his eyes and began reading. The hand in his pocket was suddenly still, but Alice saw the paper rustle slightly and knew his cock was stirring.
She rose up, stretched and yawned, and dropped her magazine. "Want something The boy's eyes bore into her tits. She pulled the belt to her robe more tightly around her curves. Maybe it wasn't fair to walk around the house with her bare tits hanging out. Maybe she ought to be more circumspect, now that the boys were growing up.
"Yeah, I wouldn't mind some milk," he said.
Alice's eyebrows arched. She hugged her arms around her chest. "You look at my boobs and think of milk." She tousled his hair and the boy blushed. "I better start covering up around here."
When she returned from the kitchen, she handed him a glass of milk and a plate of cookies. "I only do this for sick boys," she said, plopping down on the sofa.
He wolfed down the food and the milk and when he was through he pushed his hand back into his pocket. This time Alice knew for certain he was jerking off.