Carl Tropper
Suburban Wives and Their Sexual Infidelity
In a changing society like the one that we are now living in many of the old fashioned morals that once prevailed are no longer part of the everyday pattern of living. In the case histories that follow about partners that swap it is with the knowledge of both partners in some cases and without in others. Some of the people have become involved in swapping clubs or the kind as a couple because they have become bored with the everyday style of their relationship. Others have ventured out on their own making excuses to their mate as to where they are when they go to their “Club Meetings.”
In all the cases these people are caught in the confusion of their changing needs and ideals. They need something different in their life, but yet pay an expensive price for their sexual infidelity in many ways. Most of these club people don't know how to deal with the guilt feelings even if their partner knows and shares their feelings.
Often if marriage partners don't get help with their problem they can go off and end a perfectly good relationship that could have otherwise been saved.
There are cases related within that show that partners who wouldn't usually get involved in this kind of a relationship do so because they are afraid that if they don't they might lose their partner. They end up being trapped by their own fear.
It becomes a sad social statement when men and women alike are caught up in fear, confusion, and their own changing needs to the point where they need to find fulfillment through a sexual outlet rather than finding more rewarding positive channels.