C K Ralston
Family in heat
"Thanksgiving vacation, phooey!" Lucinda Collins snorted resentfully, eyeing the pile of homework on the desk.
Lucinda was still a teenager. Short for her age but precocious, Lucinda was a third of the way through her freshman year in high school. She had always thought it was neat being skipped a grade because she was brighter than the other kids back when she was seven but now, seeing all the work expected of a "gifted" high-school student, she wasn't so sure.
The little blonde got up and stretched. She watched as her pert little tits jiggled beneath her shortie nightgown, then rolled to stop. Lucinda smiled at the way her tiny pink nipples showed hazily through the thin material.
"You're growing up fast, young lady," Lucinda mimicked her father's deep voice in the quiet of her bedroom. "You'd better start wearing a bra all the time."
Lucinda giggled. She hated bras. They were so stiff and confining! And besides, they took away whatever sex appeal her youthful body presented to boys as far as Lucinda was concerned.
"Sex appeal," Lucinda muttered. Not that she really had any!
Sighing, the dismayed teen examined her body in the mirror, as she did every day, hoping for a slightly bigger bulge here, a more shapely calf, a more sharply defined line there. Lucinda stared at her ass, deciding for the thousandth time that it wasn't full enough, that it was very nice, but that there wasn't enough yet. She worried over her thighs. Weren't they just a little big? That was always a potential trouble spot with short girls!
Lucinda lifted her nightie top and looked at her waistline in the glass. That pleased her. It was positively tiny.
The critical teen pulled down her pajama shorts and put her right leg up on the dressing table, her heel right up against the mirror. She looked at her fluffy little triangle of blonde fuzz and its petite pink slash.
"I don't know, what I'm worried about," Lucinda muttered. "My pussy is so small, no boy could do it to me anyway, even if I dripped sex appeal!"