C K Ralston
Donny_s hot mother
"Christ, I'm fuckin' horny!" Laurel Hutton sighed softly, putting her finger suddenly and accurately upon the uneasy tension that had assaulted her all day.
Laurel was standing beside the tiny swimming pool which graced her suburban home's high-fenced, smallish backyard. It was early spring and a little cool to be dressed as she was, in a tiny string bikini, but Laurel wanted another deep, rich tan this year and she knew it would be warm enough once she settled down onto the sun-warmed tile beside the pool.
"Men go ga-ga over a tall, slim blonde with big tits and a chocolate tan," Laurel muttered to herself as she knelt on the warm surface.
Laurel loved men, or at least she loved cock, the stunning divorcee smiled to herself. The long hard cock that thrust out from between their legs, the part that rutted her juicy, sensation-filled pussy to heaven almost every night.
Two things about the last thought made Laurel's beautiful face curve into a frown. Number one, the man she had been with last night had come too soon – much too soon – and he had been too old to do much after the first time. Number two, Donny, Laurel's teenaged son, was starting to become resentful about his mom's many "boyfriends", her euphemism for the endless stream of men who had fucked their way into and out of the insatiable blonde's life over the last two years.
Donny was growing up, and he was beginning to look askance at Laurel now when she explained an all-night absence with some wild tale about flat tires or a fog so thick that it was impossible to drive home through. He was starting to look as untrusting as his father had before abruptly packing his bags two years ago and stomping out of the house forever.
Laurel undid her bikini top and lay forward on the hot pavement, relishing the heat against her big, sensitive nipples. Her mouth made a little pout, like a child brooding about denied candy.
It wasn't fair! Laurel told herself. She shouldn't have to give up fucking just so Donny wouldn't find out what a hot, uncontrollable nature his mom had. That thought really scared Laurel because she had just turned thirty-two a week before. Even though there wasn't an ounce of fat on the perfect body nor a sag visible anywhere Laurel was terrified of getting old and suddenly losing the cock-hardening sex appeal she had exhibited since she had been Donny's age.
As if to assure herself that her good, looks hadn't vanished as she thought about losing them, Laurel raised up onto her elbows and turned to examine her sleek, sexy body in the bright sunlight. She smiled as she eyed the deep, firm contours of her near-perfect ass, the supple, bulgeless line of her smooth thighs and calves, the smallness of her waistline.
A movement behind the sliding glass patio door caught Laurel's eye and she turned to see what it was. Donny was peeking out from around the half-open curtain, watching his mom twisting and turning on the warm tiles. The handsome young teen's eyes were wide with fear, as he realized that he had been caught red-handed staring at his mother's naked, bobbling tits.