Curt Aldrich
Four-way bride
"Let her go!" Danny yelled.
His elder brothers opened the chute, and the colt under Danny bolted into the corral. A grin split Cal's fleshy face and Pete squinted through the swirling dust as the bronco bucked furiously. The twenty-year-old rider clutched the reins with one hand, his other waving jerkily in the air. He bounced in the saddle.
"Danny! Oh my God, you'll get hurt! Stop it!"
Pete shifted his gaze to his brother's new bride who was screaming and jumping up and down in alarm. Beneath her fancy Western shirt, Millie's breasts bobbed erotically, sending ripples through the shimmering, cream-colored satin. Her corn-colored hair glistened in the bright sunshine as she tossed her head. Lust uncoiled like a snake in Pete's loins.
"Hang on, Danny boy!" Cal shouted. "You've almost got her made!"
Pete kept watching Millie. He didn't see his kid brother glance around in search of his bride's admiring eyes. Pete also missed the bronco's vicious buck which sent Danny hurtling from the saddle.
When Millie let out a shriek and began scrambling up the heavy rail fence into the corral, the rangy twenty-six-year-old glanced briefly at his brother who lay writhing in the dust, then returned his attention to Millie. He mentally stripped the tight pants from her plump, twisting bottom as she went over the top rail and dropped to the dusty floor of the corral.
"Look out for that bastard horse!" Cal, who was ahead of her, yelled. He delayed giving aid to his brother long enough to grasp Millie's arm, jerking her out of the berserk horse's path.
"Oh, see about Danny!" Millie wailed urgently. "Is he dead?"
"Hell no!" Cal snorted. "He just got bruised some."