Bill Randolph
Eat out with his wife
Misty Morgan rolled a golden curl of her blonde hair around a finger and sighed. She stared blankly at the television and crossed her long, sexy legs. The twenty-six-year-old curvaceous blonde was bored, and she was damn tired of it!
"Charlie!" she yelled. "You gonna be in there eating all night?"
Charlie Morgan, her husband of eight years, poked his head into the den while reaching back to turn off the kitchen light. His mouth was full and working to chew the last of the sandwich he'd just stuffed into his mouth.
"Haven't eaten all day," he murmured, gulping his food and strolling into the den. "Give me a break!"
Misty glanced up at him and managed a sexy, pouty smirk. She let the folds of her robe part to reveal her luscious, naked legs as she winked.
"I've got something nice and sweet you can eat," she purred. "Remember how you used to stuff yourself with my pussy?"
The dark-haired, thirty-year-old man beamed a patient smile. He reached down and lazily fingered one of his wife's large tits through her robe. He wiggled his finger and parted the top fold of the robe, exposing her lush tit-melons.
"I was just young and dumb and full of come," he said, tweaking one plump, pink nipple with his fingertips.