Brian Layer
Mom in the raw
(Eritic library – 2013)
Jim had gone to bed, the dishes were done and there was nothing left for Peggie to do but celebrate her anniversary. She sat in her favorite chair and sipped her whiskey and ginger ale as the years since her marriage seemed to play back in her memory. It had been twenty years since she married that skunk and almost fifteen since she'd seen him.
Clark had been a handsome devil, and he had swept her off her feet. Twenty years later, it was hard for her to understand how she had let herself be so foolish. She thought she could change Clark
and turn his wild boyishness into responsible manhood. Well, what the hell, she had only been seventeen at the time.
Soon after the marriage she had become pregnant and Clark began to show his true colors. As her belly swelled with the child, Clark became more and more like a child himself, so when he split shortly after Jim was born, she didn't even care. After all, one child was enough.
Peg was feeling the drinks. Some celebration: sitting home all alone and getting potted, but she was enjoying it. She had her share of fun, she still looked sensational at thirty-nine and had a lot of guys chasing her. But she was sentimental and thought it would be fun to stay home and think about those years that were passed.
She stood up on wobbly legs and climbed the stairs with her drink still in her hand. Jim had been closing his door at night for the past few years, but now Peg wanted to take a look at the boy who reminded her of that man whom she hadn't seen for almost twenty years. Jim had his father's long, lean body and his dark brown hair. Peg didn't know for sure, since he'd been dressing with his door closed lately, but she was willing to bet that he had his father's fantastic prick, too.
Peg giggled as she remembered Clark's huge cock. Was that why she'd married him? Well, it was