Brian Layer
Ann_s boy hunger
Ann lame's body was pressed back into the plush leather seat as the twelve-cylinder engine revved and the Jaguar leaped forward. Her huge fits were flattened slightly against her chest from the acceleration and she felt the thrill of speed in her cunt. Under her skillful control, the sleek car turned up the ramp to the freeway. Ann refused to slow down even though the ramp was a tight, decreasing radius curve. The rear wheels began to slide to the side, and she listened to the squealing tires as she concentrated on the feeling of the cu's sideways movement. As the ramp straightened out and entered the freeway, Ann pressed the accelerator and the Jag tore forward.
It took ail her skill as a driver to negotiated the ramp at that speed and it set every nerve in her body on fire. Driving like that was Ann's secondfavorite thing in the whole world. Her first favorite was fucking and that's why she was in her car right now. She had been sitting around the house when the call came from Bill. He was home from college for the long weekend and wanted to see her. As soon as Ann heard his voice, her pussy began to drool There was no way that she could turn down a chance to get her hands on a firm young body like Bill's.
Ann was quite a bit older than Bill. In fact, she was old enough to be his mother. At thirty-six, she was celebrating her twentieth anniversary as a fucker. Bill was only nineteen. It seemed the older she got, the younger she liked her lovers to be. There was a time when she actually preferred older men, but that was only before she was twenty. Since then, the kids she saw playing in the streets and in the playgrounds started her body longing for the young cocks that they carried in their jeans. She had been responsible for initiating a number of kids into the world of sex and she was happy to be providing that service.
Ann felt good when she was behind the wheel and racing to a meeting with a young stud. Her blonde hair flew in the rushing breeze and the vibration of the road set her tits quivering. She had had a beautiful set of jugs since she was thirteen and since that time they have remained in excellent condition. The years had caused them to sag only the tiniest bit, and Ann liked the slight sag; it madethem look heavier, she thought. The globes were decorated with pink areolas the size of doughnuts and the nipples could always be seen pushing against the tight fabric that she wore over them. She wore a very short mini-skin, and the smooth leather of the car seat felt cool and nice on her bare thighs. A moist odor rose from under her skirt and was blown away by the rushing air that blew through the open windows of the car, but every once in a while, she got a whiff of the pungent smell of her hot cunt juice as it seeped out of her box and wet her inner thighs.
Her exit came up, and she maneuvered the Jag through the lines of traffic smoothly, taking the exit ramp with the same ease that she did everything else.
In a minute, she was in front of Bill's house. Bill must have been watching for her because as soon as the horn sounded, he came dashing out the door and ran to the car. He slid in beside her and leaned towards her, kissing her and squeezing her lit in one motion.
"Nice seeing you again, baby," she said as she gunned the engine. She couldn't wait until she was on the freeway again, and in fifth gear, so she would have a free hand.
"Nice seeing you, too," Bill said, and continued to massage her heaving tits.
While she drove, he kissed her neck and stuck his tongue in her ear. She tried to stop him from sticking his hand up her skirt because it would be impossible for her to drive with his fingers in her cunt. It had been a whole day since the last time she had any cock, so she was tremendously horny. They were on their way back to her place, but Ann didn't think she could wait that long.
Bill kept creeping under her mini and up her thighs. Finally, Ann swung the Jag to the right-hand lane and took the next exit. As soon as she could, she. pulled into a parking lot and stopped. With trembling fingers, she grappled with Bill's belt buckle and zipper. He was surprised to find her acting so wild right in a parking lot.