Bob Hawkins
Tied up nurse
Her heart pounding, Lynn Richards pushed the chair back against the wall, pulled out the small table next to it, then took a deep breath as she surveyed the room. The center of the floor was clear of furniture, now. She went to the door and made certain it was securely locked – only her sister had a duplicate key. Lynn crossed the room, wobbling slightly in her brand-new high heels, and went into the kitchen. There, she reached far back into the freezer compartment of her refrigerator and chose one of her special ice cubes!
Lynn had several of these peculiar objects in the freezer. Each cube held a small key and a long piece of string. The string was not attached to the key, so that when the cube melted sufficiently, the key could drop freely to the floor.
The key fit the high-quality steel handcuffs Lynn had bought.
Lynn returned to the living room and used a low stool to reach the hook in the ceiling and tie the loose end of the string to it. The cube now dangled in front of Lynn's pretty face, a few feet from the ceiling.
Lynn stepped down from the stool and admired the hanging cube of ice with its captured key. Unconsciously, the blonde smoothed the tight material of her starched white nurse's uniform over her firm asscheeks.
Wetting her lips, Lynn moved the stool out of her way, then brought the rest of her special equipment from the couch to the center of the floor.
Kneeling with the equipment before her, and working swiftly, efficiently – she'd done this to herself many times before, and the ice cube was already melting – Lynn opened her mouth wide and stuffed a pair of her panties between her lips, fitting the silky material fully into her mouth, poking the last edges back behind her immaculate straight teeth, then clamping her jaws on the soft mass. Her teeth wouldn't quite come together.
With trembling fingers, she reached down to the pile of silk and steel at her knees and picked out a single black stocking. This she wrapped several times around her head, fitting it between her teeth over the panty-gag and tying it behind her neck awkwardly lifting her long thick mane of loose blonde hair out of the way as she did so.
She worked her jaws for a second, testing the strength and fit of the silk and nylon gag.