Brad Harris
Raped daughter
The slender brunette kicked at a small rock in her path as she walked beside the road. Damn! Damn! Damn! They only had one thing on their mind. All they ever thought about was cunt! She sighed in disgust, her skin feeling creepy from the way Mr. Thompkins had looked at her.
"Oooooeeee! Look at that!" a voice screamed out of the cab of a passing truck.
The young man behind the wheel beat his hand on the door as he slowed down and eyed the girl.
Connie ignored him, refusing to even look up she waited for him to gun the truck on down the road. She couldn't understand why Leila enjoyed having the men all whistling at her and making lewd suggestions. She couldn't understand why Leila put up with old man Thompkins always rubbing against her. The teen-ager shuddered, remembering the way his eyes had ogled her tits this afternoon.
The girl had stopped by the cafe where her sister worked as a waitress. Connie sat at the counter and drank a Coke while her older sister chatted icily with two men in one of the front booths. One of them kept putting his hand on the young woman's leg, trying to get it up beneath her short skirt. Leila, however, would step aside each time he moved it upward. The whole scene was offensive to Connie. She wanted to scold her sister. Leila had a bad enough reputation as it was. Everyone in town seemed sure that she was putting out for old man Thompkins. Most of the kids at school claimed she was fucking around with several other men, as well.
Leila was just too pretty, the girl decided. She had too soft a face. She had too good a figure. Especially she had too provocative an ass. Connie watched now, observing the excited thrust of Leila's tits as she laughed with the men.
The teen-ager felt a deep sense of relief when they finally rose and walked over to pay their bill. Now, she decided, now she would fuss with her sister about letting the men paw all over her like that.
"Hi, babe!" Leila greeted her, using the old teasing nickname with which she had tormented the girl for years. Connie sat up straighter, ready to lash out at her lovely sister.
"Come on back with me while I get things ready for the dinner rush," the older girl continued, walking back to the small kitchen.