Blake Garfield
Halloween in horror
Elaine Peterson gasped with sudden shock as a pair of strong hands grabbed her full, round tits. She screamed a moment later when other hands closed around her wrists and ankles. She screamed even louder when she saw that the hands that held her, that were quickly tying her to the exercise bicycle she was straddling, belonged to her three nephews.
She stared in wonder from one boy to the next, mad as hell but thinking that whatever was happening must be some kind of stupid, adolescent joke.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she demanded, trying to jerk herself free. It was impossible, because while one of her nephews had tied her wrists to the handlebars of the bicycle another had been binding her feet to the pedals. "Hey, guys, I don't know what the hell you think the joke is, but this isn't very funny!"
"You're one sexy bitch," her oldest nephew, Roger, growled. His hands were still on her tits, squeezing and twisting them as though he wanted to tear them off her body. "We like the sexy part, but everybody's fed up with you being a bitch. The joke is that we're going to give you a little attitude adjustment."
Elaine twisted desperately at the thin strands of nylon that bound her to the bicycle. The three boys stood back to look at her, and when she saw the lust in their eyes, her heart froze and she realized he hadn't been joking. As she watched them, helpless and horrified, the boys ripped off their clothing. Suddenly three long, hard cocks bobbed in the air not three feet away from her. Elaine screamed again, but this time it was in terror.
"It's Halloween, Aunt Elaine," Roger said with a giggle. He shook his dripping cock in her direction. "And we've brought you three yummy treats!"
"And you're the one who's going to be turning the tricks." Steven, the youngest, laughed. Elaine groaned. There had to be some way she could talk them out of this. Ever since her figure had first started to bud out in a lush, womanly body, men had been pursuing her. High school boys and college boys, high school teachers and college professors had chased her with equal ardor. Getting out of school had changed nothing. She was still pursued by almost every man she met.
And for almost twenty years Elaine had never liked men, and she hated sex, but she had used her sexy body and beautiful face to get everything she had.
She enjoyed the power her beauty gave her over men. She had made powerful men grovel at her feet. Even today she had been exercising, working out on her expensive gymnastics equipment to keep her most important asset in shape. Now she was tied to her five-hundred-dollar exercise bike as though she was some sheep ready to be slaughtered.
"Got a little Halloween party planned, Aunt Elaine," Peter said, closing his hand over one of her full, firm tits. "We're going to have some real fun with you."