Blake Garfield
Cheerleader in chains
"Hey, look at the tits on that bitch!" somebody yelled, and Linda Blame blushed, a quick tremor of fear passing through her.
"Want a ride, honey?" someone else screamed a moment after.
It was night, and Linda was walking to the Eastport bus for the long trip back home. The Bulls had just lost the biggest game of the season by thirty-five points, and the worst thing of all was that they had lost it to a small-town school.
Linda, who was the head of the Eastport cheerleading squad, had never felt worse in her life.
"Hey, isn't that the Eastport bitch?" a girl's voice shouted. "That fucking big-titted cheerleader who flipped me off in the second quarter?"
"Sure is," a leering male voice answered. "Couldn't be two sets of tits like that swinging around this town."
Linda was more frightened now, and she walked faster, trying to put more distance between herself and the kids from the school that had just handed Eastport a humiliating defeat. Linda was used to having men and boys whistle and shout at her when she walked by. It had been happening ever since her tits had started to pop out on her chest like a pair of giant-sized balloons. But these farm kids seemed mean and stupid, and she and the other Eastport cheerleaders had been yelling and making fun of them all night long.
"What happened, bitch?" another, female voice shouted out. "Couldn't your big-city boys get it up for the game tonight?"
"Maybe they can't get it up for anything," a guy shouted. "Maybe those big tits are getting wasted up in town."
Linda kept her head pointed straight ahead, but she darted a glance in the direction of the voices. Her heart skipped a beat at what she saw. There was a bright-red pickup overflowing with kids in the center of about a half dozen other cars. At least thirty kids were lounging around the truck and cars. And the Eastport bus was on the other side of the athletic fields, a long dark walk away.