Blake Garfield
Barmaid in bondage
"Should have never come down here," Buck whispered, pressing Lynda Cartier into the wall with his big, muscular body. He ran his big hands over her slender throat, broad shoulders and silky arms. "The guys who come here have been watching you swing your big sexy ass around town for years. I don't think there's a thing in the world any of them would like more than to fuck you right into the dirt. And I think I'm going to let them. You might own this building, you stuck-up cunt, but you don't fucking give me orders."
"No!" Lynda screamed, driving her knee into Buck's crotch and tearing at his face with her sharp nails. She ran past him through the dark bar, telling herself that she would have him evicted, maybe even in jail, by the end of the day.
She never had a chance. A big guy named Grady Peane, who'd been working with Buck for years, grabbed her by her shiny black hair. Pete Fint, a young, good-looking guy who always seemed to be drunk, caught her by one arm. Together they slammed her face-first into the wall.
"Let me go, you bastards!" Lynda shrieked, struggling desperately in thefr grasp. Dozens of other men were headed in her direction, drinks in their hands, lust and hate in their eyes. "You creeps had better let me go right now!"
"Strip the bitch!" Buck shouted, wiping a trace of blood from his cheek. "Strip her naked and beat the shit out of her! I think it's time for this stuck-up slut to learn what the fuck she's good for! All she's ever been is a landlady, well, now she's going to be a barmaid. She's going to serve us in any way she can."
Buck ran the roughest, sleaziest bar in town. His customers were all men, and all mean. There wasn't one of them who didn't know about Lynda, who didn't hate her for her superior attitude and easy life, who didn't lust for her because of her sexy body and beautiful face. A cheer went up at Buck's words, and brutally strong hands gripped Lynda from every side.
"She's a big bitch," one of the men said, grabbing one of Lynda's full, firm tits through the satiny orange fabric of her clinging dress. "And fucking skinny! About the only meat on her is these jumbo tits!"
"Bullshit!" another man shouted, grabbing both the full, rounded cheeks of Lynda's ass and squeezing so hard that the sexy young landlady moaned in pain. "Check out her ass and legs! Big and meaty and shaped just fucking right! Let's get this cunt naked!"
Lynda screamed and struggled, but the men were far too strong for her. They ripped her dress to rags in a matter of seconds, laughing and joking and pawing Lynda's luscious body while she cried and fought helplessly. Then, strangely, they backed away from her. They formed a rough circle around her, an unbreakable prison of hard-cocked men. Lynda stared at them in shock, sobbing helplessly and trying to hold the rags of her dress together to cover her voluptuous body.
"Shit," Buck said, stepping into the circle. "You are a fucking beauty."