Bree Bellucci
The Pregnant Lactating Slut
Seducing the Gyno
Christine had always hated the way these paper hospital gowns felt against her naked skin. It was like she was wearing a sheet of sand paper around her body. Her pregnant belly pressed uncomfortably against the material and her swollen breasts were starting to become a real nuisance. The gown was already starting to chafe her nipples. She pulled the gown forward at the chest as she sat down on the examination table. The gown hung open in the back and her bare bottom was shocked at she sat on the ice-cold table that was just as ineffectively covered in paper as she was.
She hated coming to this office and sitting in these cold creepy rooms. They smell like alcohol and latex, she thought to herself. Where is that doctor at? She had been waiting for fifteen minutes now in this dungeon.
The examination room was well lit with bright fluorescent lights. Their characteristic humming was the only ambient sound. The stainless steel counters were covered with various tools and instruments, jars of swabs and probes, boxes of gloves, and alcohol prep pads. Christine shuddered at the sight of these poking and prodding implements, hopefully they don’t use too many of those things on me today, she thought.
She shifted her bottom on the table and the paper covering crackled lightly under her weight. She was becoming increasingly more uncomfortable where she was. Just then, voices could be heard coming from the hallway. They sounded as if they were getting closer to her room. The doctor stopped outside of the examination room door and was speaking to someone, presumably a nurse, in muffled tones.
These exam rooms must be insulated for sound to protect patient privacy, she thought. Thank God, the doctor may actually be ready to see me now!
The voices outside of her door ended abruptly and Christine heard a light scrape as the doctor pulled her chart off of the door. A few seconds passed as the doctor looked over her information to refresh his memory. Hopefully it wouldn’t take him too long to remember her; she flirted with him shamelessly upon every meeting. During her last check-up she had acted like something was wrong with her breasts so that she could take off her gown, without invitation, and show him her tits.
She remembered how shocked he was that she had taken such a liberty. He soon learned however that she was the furthest thing from modest.