Bree Bellucci
The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon 2
Ava stared at The Overlord with sickeningrealization. She had just uncovered the secret that the food servedat Valanya is laced with an aphrodisiac. From what she could gatherup to this point, she was hand-picked to be a special treat for TheOverlord's carnal pleasure. Her stomach turned as she thought ofhow aroused she would be once she ate. Ava knew that once she wasunder the influence of the drugs there was no way she could controlherself, she was a slave to her own extreme sexual desires. Heronly other option was to starve to death.
The Overlord moved behind Ava and she couldfeel his hot breath against her neck.
“Sit,” he hissed, pulling out the chair forher.
Ava stood motionless.
“Sit,” he repeated, and this time his voicewas stronger; it was an order.
Ava sat.
The Overlord smiled a sick smile as he slowlywalked to his own chair. Ava observed how his skin looked like graymarble, he was a hideous beast yet he walked and carried himselfwith the fluidity and grace of a human.
“Smells delicious,” he said, smiling darkly.He drank from a goblet filled with red wine and sighed.
Ava sat very still, afraid to touch her foodeven though her stomach was already grumbling loudly. Sheremembered how turned on she had been when she had watched theBeast earlier, the things she had done with him, and she instantlythought of Michelle.
“What will happen to my friend, Michelle?”she asked suddenly.
The Overlord blinked at her. “I don’t know ofwhom you speak.” He chewed on a mouthful of steak, his razor sharpteeth glistened in the candle light.
“My friend, Michelle. I came here withher.”
The Overlord waved his fork around as if itwas no matter to him. “Who knows? Perhaps she will fuck some of themonsters before she has had enough.”